“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20
Well… coronavirus or not, it’s that time of the month to pay my credit card bill. Having watched my mail and email for any correspondence eliminating my payment… none came. When I received notice that “they are behind me during this difficult time,” I found that the payment was still due! But when I looked closer, I was rather shocked!
A few years ago I took some long given advice and started putting everything on 1 credit card…then paying the entire balance off at the end of the month. Doing that not only gave me use of money with NO interest…it gave me points! These points could be exchanged for gift cards or cash back refunds. So far it has worked rather well! But I STILL have to make sure I pay the bill! And THIS one was strange!
The statement gave me the amount I had to pay, but the shockingly, strange part was that the balance due was LOWER than what I am used to paying! After looking at my transactions and figuring my figures, I realized that the coronavirus had indirectly SAVED ME MONEY! Since restaurants and entertainment establishments were mostly closed, I had no place to spend it! Therefore I naturally… saved it!
I LOVE this Bible verse today. It is one of my favorites. Jesus is talking here and He isn’t even pulling any punches. The SUBJECT of the sentence is ‘YOU!’ It is a COMMAND! He is saying, “Hey YOU… lay up treasure for YOURSELF!” Not for HIM.. but for MYSELF! In other words, He is commanding me to be ‘PIGGISH!’
God is EXTREMELY beneficial. He gives and gives and gives again! But if there are no TAKERS, there is no point to His giving. And that is the point! He wants us to take Him and try Him SO badly, He even commands us to do it for selfishly, piggy reasons! His goodness is SO good, He just can’t stand not seeing His children swimming in His good blessing. Even if it’s just to hear us squeal in delight!
I admit to taking advantage of God’s grace and doing things HIS way for reasons that may not always be Holy. Though sometimes out of ignorance, greed or even just to test Him, I have NEVER failed to receive good things from Him. Even when I’m being piggish! I just can’t wait to see what my piggy bank looks like in HEAVEN! How about you?