
This was too good to not forward.  I remember a song line from Barbara Mandrell years ago… ‘He grew the tree, He knew would be, used to make the Old Rugged Cross.   Happy Valentines Day.  May I recommend you go and make it a great day for the ones you love? 

“Oh, the things we do to give gifts to those we love.

But we don’t mind, do we? We would do it all again. Fact is, we do it all again. Every Christmas, every birthday, every so often we find ourselves in foreign territory. Grownups are in toy stores. Dads are in teen stores. Wives are in the hunting department, and husbands are in the purse department.

Not only do we enter unusual places, we do unusual things. We assemble bicycles at midnight. We hide the new tires with mag wheels under the stairs. One fellow I heard about rented a movie theater so he and his wife could see their wedding pictures on their anniversary.

And we’d do it all again. Having pressed the grapes of service, we drink life’s sweetest wine — the wine of giving. We are at our best when we are giving. In fact, we are most like God when we are giving.

Have you ever wondered why God gives so much? We could exist on far less. He could have left the world flat and gray; we wouldn’t have known the difference. But He didn’t.

He splashed orange in the sunrise and cast the sky in blue. And if you love to see geese as they gather, chances are you’ll see that too.

Did He have to make the squirrel’s tail furry? Was He obliged to make the birds sing? And the funny way that chickens scurry or the majesty of thunder when it rings?

Why give a flower fragrance? Why give food its taste? Could it be He loves to see that look upon your face?

If we give gifts to show our love, how much more would He? If we — speckled with foibles and greed — love to give gifts, how much more does God, pure and perfect God, enjoy giving gifts to us? Jesus asked,

If you hardhearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won’t your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them? — Matthew 7:11 TLB

God’s gifts shed light on God’s heart, God’s good and generous heart. Jesus’ brother James tells us:

Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of Heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. — James 1:17 MSG

Every gift reveals God’s love… but no gift reveals His love more than the gifts of the Cross.

They came, not wrapped in paper, but in passion. Not placed around a tree, but a Cross. And not covered with ribbons, but sprinkled with blood.

The gifts of the Cross.

Much has been said about the gift of the Cross itself, but what of the other gifts? What of the nails, the crown of thorns? The garments taken by the soldiers? The garments given for the burial? Have you taken time to open these gifts?

He didn’t have to give them, you know. The only act, the only required act for our salvation was the shedding of blood, yet He did much more. So much more. Search the scene of the cross, and what do you find?

A wine-soaked sponge. A sign. Two crosses beside Christ. Divine gifts intended to stir that moment, that split second when your face will brighten, your eyes will widen, and God will hear you whisper, “You did this for me?”

The diadem of pain
which sliced your gentle face,
three spikes piercing flesh and wood
to hold you in your place.
The need for blood I understand.
Your sacrifice I embrace.
But the bitter sponge, the cutting spear,
the spit upon your face?
Did it have to be a Cross?
Did not a kinder death exist
than six hours hanging between life and death,
all spurred by a betrayer’s kiss?
“Oh, Father,” you pose,
heart-stilled at what could be,
“I’m sorry to ask, but I long to know,
did You do this for me?”

Dare we pray such a prayer? Dare we think such thoughts? Could it be that the hill of the Cross is rich with God’s gifts? Let’s examine them, shall we? Let’s unwrap these gifts of grace as if — or perhaps, indeed — for the first time. And as you touch them — as you feel the timber of the Cross and trace the braid of the crown and finger the point of the spike — pause and listen. Perchance you will hear Him whisper:

“I did it just for you.”


And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.” Ezekiel 36:26 NLT

My wife came home from work yesterday and had to tell me what happened. She teaches pre-schoolers, and one little girls has a parent who is a dermatologist. The little girl came up to Katie and, looking intently at her asked, “You usin’ that face cream we gave you?” Katie replied, “Yup… I used it all up.” to which the little girl replied… “we’ll we need to get you some more!”

This week I was walking out of a store while a twenty something gal was walking in. Taking one look at me she blurted out,” Nice haircut… you don’t see THAT much these days!”

Yesterday at church I was standing beside my friend Howie. Howie is in his 80’s! I can’t tell you exact age, because it changes so quickly I can’t remember. He told me he had just gotten back from eating ‘Valentines Dinner’ at a particular restaurant. I told him, tongue in cheek, “That’s where old people go!” He responded with a smile, “what’s yer point” (Valentine’s Day isn’t for 2 days…but he told me they raise prices then!).

Life gets more interesting the more I experience it. The kind of person I am INSIDE can easily be seen from the outside. What someone says without thinking, even tongue in cheek, could easily be taken as an offense… IF that is my particular frame of mind. If I am looking to be offended, it’s easy to BECOME so because, honestly, I don’t have to look far to get offended. God’s Word is offensive (Galatians 5:11).

If the brevity of life scares me, then God saying ‘man’s life is like grass… here today gone tomorrow’ will cause me to turn from reading it. Even though He makes reference to it 8 times in the Bible! The truth is…I am NOT DYING!

The purpose of the Word of God is to draw us to Him. He doesn’t have to scare us in. Sin and life as it is, along with all its enemies, does that naturally. Years ago I heard the message that, though I am flesh, I CAN have abundant and eternal life…if I CHOOSE it. And I did and can tell you… it’s true!

In light of eternity I am just a spring pup! Those ‘old’ comments rolled off all of our backs and we can laugh about them. Because we KNOW who we are in Christ, we can rest assured that He always has us. My new heart gets newer every day…! Does yours?


But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

I met my wife while playing drums in a Holiday Inn lounge almost 43 years ago. She was on vacation, I was working in a band and taking college classes. The event of our meeting was epic. 2 1/2 days later I proposed! That night started one thing and ended another. I never again played drums in bar. But…I was never again alone!

I got that drum set in 9th grade and had SO much fun over the years. I never got rid of it, but it has been packed away for a very long time. Yesterday I got an itch to set them up again. Just for fun. And yes… it was!

Even though I hadn’t touched those drums for at least 5 years, it went together as if it was just yesterday. I remembered that broken tom-tom leg, the tricky way the snare had to sit on its stand and the time I bought that bass peddle. Those things had never left me, but lay stored in the back of my mind. Not needing that information, there was no need to bring it up again. But there ARE more important things I must NEVER forget.

Jesus spoke those words to His Disciples before the New Testament and The Church were even formed. The Old Law was never able to SAVE ANYONE, but pointed to His sacrifice, which would. That ‘Good News’ was never meant to be kept hidden… but proclaimed. His Words and promises would be taught as life saving principles to be learned, applied and remembered. He even promised that the Holy Spirit would come and take what I learned and DRAG it to the forefront of my mind. BUT…

I cannot remember something that I have never learned. The Holy Spirit cannot reach me if I haven’t the tools, will and time to for Him to do His work. Over the years I have made the study and application of His Words to my life. I know and remember the MANY times I was in a pickle and ‘poof’ a Bible verse came to remembrance. I am proof that Jesus keeps His promises.

I think there’s a difference between reminiscing and remembering. The first is only sentimental. The second, as Jesus intends…is a LIFELINE! The more I know His Word, the more I know HIM. And the more I know Him, the more I love and count on Him.

I had fun banging on those drums. Once learned, it really never goes away. I can say the same thing for reading and learning the Word of God. Like my drums and my wife, one thing led to another. And so it is with His Words and abundant life. And I am STILL… no longer alone! Do ya dig me man?


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

Setting at an intersection readying to merge onto the 3 lane highway, traffic was heavy. Seeing my break in the traffic, I prepared to go. It helped that the car in the lane I wanted to merge was turning right giving me even MORE time, but no matter, all 3 lanes were clear. Merging onto the highway I heard a long HONK! Looking in my rear-view mirror I was… befuddled.

The guy had 3 lanes to himself and was no way in any danger. I guess he just didn’t like me being in front of him in his lane. The honk was simply a message conveying that point. Further down the road, I had to turn left and cross 3 lanes of traffic coming the other way. I waited, and when it was clear, I went. HONK!!!! Again… no danger. But I guess the guy half a football field away thought he’d let me know he was there. I waved!

I know what it is to honk! I do it myself. In fact, last week, setting at an intersection, the person in front of us had a WHOLE football field of room to turn. When she didn’t, my WIFE reached over from the passenger seat and hit the horn! All I could say was, “way to go honey!” Her response was, “well… she irritated me!” If you know my wife, you know that kind of reaction is RARE!

The car horn was designed to WARN. It was never meant to be used as a greeting, a call sign, a ‘hurry it up’ or the sound of irritation. But humans are creative! We make up stuff for other stuff in an attempt to display how we feel or to get what we want. And it can get confusing!

This verse today confuses me. I had to write it out to dissect it before I could really even BEGIN to grasp its concept. “therefore, since YOU didn’t get what YOU deserve (death for your sin), YOU offer your WHOLE LIVING SELF as a SACRIFICE, THAT is how you can worship and thank Him FOR life!

I didn’t get what I deserved, so I now am called to work at giving HIM WHAT HE DOES?

HONK HONK!!!!! Now I think I need to go and think about that one!


He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” Mark 4:39

Florida in the winter time is interesting. It is not uncommon to turn the ‘heat’ on in the evening, only to flip the switch to ‘air conditioning’ in the early afternoon. Looking out the window, it can LOOK beautiful, warm and sunny, but FEEL chilly. But yesterday, from our front patio, it felt beautiful AND warm. Since we had some time on our hands, I asked my wife if she would like to go kayaking. So we did.

Paddling out to the end of the canal, we could go left or right. It was easy to see that the tide was going out, but HAD been for a while, since the water was low. We took a right and allowed the water to move us along. I figured it wouldn’t be long before the current would stop or change for our return. It was perfect. Until we reversed course and it wasn’t.

We really hadn’t noticed that there was a gusting wind that followed with the current… that is until we turned around. When the wind hit us, small whitecaps splashed against our bows. Not only were we going to have to REALLY WORK to get back, we were going to get wet as well. We hadn’t expected THOSE conditions! It reminded me of the story when the disciples hadn’t either!

It’s all there in Mark 4. Jesus had a desire to go to the other side of the lake, left the navigational issues to his team…then took a nap! Soon, rough turned to dangerous, and Jesus wasn’t even awake to notice. So His disciples woke Him to give the fearful news. FIRST he rebuked the wind… THEN He rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith. It is hard to determine whether it was the wind or His ire that caused them to fear the most.

Like Florida in the winter, the Christian Life can be really interesting at times. Sometimes life can become difficult. On the water we had choices. We could blame God for causing the problem in the first place. I could shout at the wind in the Name of Jesus, “Peace, be still!” Or I could look to and thank God for the strength to row, row, row my boat!

I have learned that blaming and screaming don’t really get me very far. But trusting and relying on Christ to be there with me in the storm seems to get me where I need to go. When it was all said and done, we actually got a workout and had fun doing it. I could actually sense that because of our faith, Jesus was smiling right along with us!


When He (Jesus) had finished speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Now (Let’s) go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.'” Luke 5:4 NLT

Yesterday I did something that is extremely RARE. At 64, I drove my 39 year old son to have shoulder surgery. It wasn’t MAJOR surgery, but…ANY surgery is major. His last time was when his tonsils were removed at age 5. He’s a tough guy, but knowing that, I asked AND listened to his answers to my questions. I recognized he hadn’t really given this surgery much thought. With the scalpel only about 25 feet away, I thought it might be a good time that he did.

It is a ‘Jesus Principal’ that we count the cost BEFORE we act. It is a fact that a repaired shoulder’s effectiveness is determined by the obedience and follow through of rehabilitation. ‘Blowing it off’ could actually make matters worse. So just before he ‘went under’ I switched to pastor mode and told him, “this I more serious than you may be thinking.” I could tell he was listening.

Peter had been listening. He heard of Jesus from his brother and was intrigued. Jesus went to Pete’s town, then to his house and even healed his mother in law! But now, Jesus wanted Peter. Knowing Peter was a boat guy, he got into Peter’s boat and made it a pulpit! As Peter looked over the crowd from behind Him, he HAD to feel some kind of awe that it was just him and Jesus in the boat. But then… Jesus turned!

It strikes me that Jesus was never a crowd pleaser. Knowing how Jesus works with ME, I believe Jesus was using the huge crowd as bait to catch only ONE BIG fish! And His cast and presentation were PERFECT for His audience of 1. Like a fish to a lure, Peter didn’t even see it coming…”Let’s go out deeper and do some fishing,” ‘The Hook’ was all but set!

Jesus calls people 1 at a time. That’s how He got to me! Over the years, I have often come to places that I hadn’t taken seriously… or had taken for granted. When I DID catch His eye and the seriousness of His call, I was privileged to have caught more than just fish. I have come to treasure those times when He turned to ‘me’ and gently whispered… “Let’s go deeper,” They are the crossroads of my life.

Jesus calls us all to ‘Go Deeper!’ Maybe we haven’t taken Him seriously enough or given His call much thought. But His call is ALWAYS private and ALWAYS to The Deep. He wants ME to be His one-on-one ship mate where HE is the Captain. I have learned that NOTHING happens until I respond to His call with…”Yes master!”


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulders, and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

What a remarkable picture! It hardly needs any exposition. Suddenly, after a great time of trouble, the nation will realize that this glorious King, their Messiah, once came as a little child: to us a child is born. He who was for eternity the Son of God was given to them as a little Baby in Bethlehem. They recognize at last, after centuries of rejection, that this One rightly deserves divine titles. This is Immanuel, God with us.

The four titles Isaiah lists represent that: Wonderful Counselor. Did anyone ever fulfill that more fully than Jesus? He unveils to us secrets about ourselves, counsels us how to avoid the heartaches and problems that otherwise would beset us, showing the way of deliverance from the taint and pollution of sin.

Mighty God. That unquestionably divine title can only describe God. He is the Mighty One, and in 10:21 the same term is used of God unmistakably.

The next title is more than simply Everlasting Father. It is actually Father of Eternity. This is surely a reference to the fact that Jesus alone can give eternal life; he is its father for it originates with him. As many as believe in him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God. (John 1:12)

No one contests the last title, Prince of Peace. He stated himself, My peace I give unto you, (John 14:27). Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end. This phrase captures the universal character of the Messiah’s reign and its extension at last to the whole created cosmos.

The key, of course, is in these words, to us a child is born, to us a son is given. Even though these events, both in Isaiah and in the gospels, took place thousands of years ago, when a nation (or an individual) first comes into personal contact with the Lord of Glory it seems as though he is the recipient for the first time of this wonderful gift. That is why we describe that we found the Lord, and how he came to us, because it is so real in our own experience. It is to us that he came, to us he is born. He is God with us, to strengthen and guide us, to meet our needs, to solve our problems.

A woman told me of her struggle with a sense of being abandoned, left without guidance, needing his presence. And thankfully I could point her back to these marvelous promises. The Lord IS with us. Father, thank you for not just sending but giving your son to us. He is the most wonderful gift of all!


Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.'” Nehemiah 8:10

I had a nagging feeling that I was missing something. You know how that is, right? Searching the brain for something I was supposed to do or get. It was obviously important because the nagging just wouldn’t let up. Checking my ‘to-do’ list, it wasn’t there. I was driving myself crazy! That is until I drove past the Automobile Service Center. Then it hit me… “Check your oil!”

I’d like to say that I checked my oil as soon as I got home. But I didn’t! I didn’t write it on my ‘to-do’ list either, because, since I remembered it, I didn’t need the reminder! Then… I forgot again! FINALLY opportunity and memory converged and I got ‘it’ done. My oil level was down a little, but not critical. I made a mental note to check it again soon.

This morning I had that “I’m missing something” urge again. It actually came AFTER I read a devotional on ‘JOY!’ That ‘my wife’ sent it to me should have been a clue! The next devotion I picked up, not so strangely, had a similar theme. The Bible verse today came from a 3rd devotional. It became obvious that the “Check Engine” light for my soul was flashing. And it was God who was sending the personal reminder…. by way of the Oil of His Holy Spirit!

Because we are all flesh we ALL get grumpy. Fears, hurts, failures and rejection can put a sour puss on ANYONE’S face. But because Jesus Christ is my SAVIOR, I am spiritually NOT PERMITTED to KEEP hold on a sour mood. By His Spirit I am required to ‘BE JOYFUL!’

The occasion of this Bible verse actually comes from a chiding by God to His people after, having not heard God’s Word for a long time, HEARD it.. and WEPT! They RECOGNIZED that they had failed Him and were sinners. Their ‘Check Engine’ lights were flashing like a disco ball at an old High School dance! Which is a great initial response. BUT… once recognized, God issued the following command which, in essence said, ‘now that you remember…come party WITH ME!’

It is easy to forget that Jesus came to give me ABUNDANT LIFE (John 10:10)! Too often I let people places and things get me down. Thank God He doesn’t WANT me to STAY, broken down on the side of the road. And thankfully, His parental command to ‘turn that frown upside down’ comes WITH His power to do just that! So… how YOU doin’?


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

I felt like an archaeologist as I sorted through my disgusting garbage. A question had been nagging my mind and slowly graduated into “but I just gotta know!” So there I was digging through coffee grounds, vegetable peelings and stuff I could not even explain, all to get to an answer that has plagued parents for generations!

My daughter and hubby were going to a friends baby shower, which left us watching our grandsons. Coast is 2+ years old and at the perfect ‘fun age.’ I KNEW where he would go when he got to the house… and he did! Running straight to my big colorful bubble gum machine. Turning to me with big eyes, he asked, “can I have gum papa?” I replied, “son, you can have all the gum you want here… and you don’t have to ask!” Now you now the question which had me face deep in garbage!

“How much gum will an unrestrained 2 year old chew in 4 hours?” The only RULE was that he had to spit the old (Already Been Chewed) gum into the garbage before getting another. The first number that came to mind as a guess was 28! The only person I had to use as a gauge was ME! And I thought that as a kid, ‘I’d’ chew that much… at LEAST! After all, isn’t bubble gum kind of like sin? And Isn’t desire for it like a heart that is never satisfied? I’d soon see!

When it was all said and done, and after trying to account for how many gumballs might be ‘in THAT big piece…’ It looked like ‘28’ came fairly close. But then…I felt a gentle nudge in my spirit to take a closer look at my findings!

I know some might be appalled at allowing a 2 year old free access to bubble gum. I am proud to say that Coast is alive and well AND… that he REALLY LOVES coming to MY house! Katie and I learned that the clicking sound of the Bubble Gum machine actually brought joy to our hearts. Coast was enjoying abundance and we all had a great time together… chewing gum, building blocks and playing cars. It was an afternoon of love we won’t soon forget.

In the end I had to throw out my scientific study due to faulty data. Just when my parental instincts started to gravitate toward proof that indulgence produces sin, that ‘prodding’ in my spirit made me ‘look again!’ 1 Corinthians 13, the definition of LOVE, came to mind as I got the chance to see God at work…loving ME! I am absolutely SURE that my Heavenly Father smiled REALLY BIG when I realized, at his nudging, that the bigger pieces… were actually MINE!