“When He (Jesus) had finished speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Now (Let’s) go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.'” Luke 5:4 NLT
Yesterday I did something that is extremely RARE. At 64, I drove my 39 year old son to have shoulder surgery. It wasn’t MAJOR surgery, but…ANY surgery is major. His last time was when his tonsils were removed at age 5. He’s a tough guy, but knowing that, I asked AND listened to his answers to my questions. I recognized he hadn’t really given this surgery much thought. With the scalpel only about 25 feet away, I thought it might be a good time that he did.
It is a ‘Jesus Principal’ that we count the cost BEFORE we act. It is a fact that a repaired shoulder’s effectiveness is determined by the obedience and follow through of rehabilitation. ‘Blowing it off’ could actually make matters worse. So just before he ‘went under’ I switched to pastor mode and told him, “this I more serious than you may be thinking.” I could tell he was listening.
Peter had been listening. He heard of Jesus from his brother and was intrigued. Jesus went to Pete’s town, then to his house and even healed his mother in law! But now, Jesus wanted Peter. Knowing Peter was a boat guy, he got into Peter’s boat and made it a pulpit! As Peter looked over the crowd from behind Him, he HAD to feel some kind of awe that it was just him and Jesus in the boat. But then… Jesus turned!
It strikes me that Jesus was never a crowd pleaser. Knowing how Jesus works with ME, I believe Jesus was using the huge crowd as bait to catch only ONE BIG fish! And His cast and presentation were PERFECT for His audience of 1. Like a fish to a lure, Peter didn’t even see it coming…”Let’s go out deeper and do some fishing,” ‘The Hook’ was all but set!
Jesus calls people 1 at a time. That’s how He got to me! Over the years, I have often come to places that I hadn’t taken seriously… or had taken for granted. When I DID catch His eye and the seriousness of His call, I was privileged to have caught more than just fish. I have come to treasure those times when He turned to ‘me’ and gently whispered… “Let’s go deeper,” They are the crossroads of my life.
Jesus calls us all to ‘Go Deeper!’ Maybe we haven’t taken Him seriously enough or given His call much thought. But His call is ALWAYS private and ALWAYS to The Deep. He wants ME to be His one-on-one ship mate where HE is the Captain. I have learned that NOTHING happens until I respond to His call with…”Yes master!”