“Nehemiah said, ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.'” Nehemiah 8:10
I had a nagging feeling that I was missing something. You know how that is, right? Searching the brain for something I was supposed to do or get. It was obviously important because the nagging just wouldn’t let up. Checking my ‘to-do’ list, it wasn’t there. I was driving myself crazy! That is until I drove past the Automobile Service Center. Then it hit me… “Check your oil!”
I’d like to say that I checked my oil as soon as I got home. But I didn’t! I didn’t write it on my ‘to-do’ list either, because, since I remembered it, I didn’t need the reminder! Then… I forgot again! FINALLY opportunity and memory converged and I got ‘it’ done. My oil level was down a little, but not critical. I made a mental note to check it again soon.
This morning I had that “I’m missing something” urge again. It actually came AFTER I read a devotional on ‘JOY!’ That ‘my wife’ sent it to me should have been a clue! The next devotion I picked up, not so strangely, had a similar theme. The Bible verse today came from a 3rd devotional. It became obvious that the “Check Engine” light for my soul was flashing. And it was God who was sending the personal reminder…. by way of the Oil of His Holy Spirit!
Because we are all flesh we ALL get grumpy. Fears, hurts, failures and rejection can put a sour puss on ANYONE’S face. But because Jesus Christ is my SAVIOR, I am spiritually NOT PERMITTED to KEEP hold on a sour mood. By His Spirit I am required to ‘BE JOYFUL!’
The occasion of this Bible verse actually comes from a chiding by God to His people after, having not heard God’s Word for a long time, HEARD it.. and WEPT! They RECOGNIZED that they had failed Him and were sinners. Their ‘Check Engine’ lights were flashing like a disco ball at an old High School dance! Which is a great initial response. BUT… once recognized, God issued the following command which, in essence said, ‘now that you remember…come party WITH ME!’
It is easy to forget that Jesus came to give me ABUNDANT LIFE (John 10:10)! Too often I let people places and things get me down. Thank God He doesn’t WANT me to STAY, broken down on the side of the road. And thankfully, His parental command to ‘turn that frown upside down’ comes WITH His power to do just that! So… how YOU doin’?