This week I have been working on my wife’s Christmas present (laying a new floor), so I have taken one of the top devotionals that spoke to me… and shared it. I get about 8 a day from various sources. I ALMOST took the time to write this YESTERDAY, but wanted to wait until 2019 passed. Because literally EVERY devotional I received asked for the SAME THING… and in the SAME WAY!!!
The appeal was for $$$$$$$! “2019 is going and this is your LAST CHANCE to send your tax-deductible gift.” And HOW they did it was frustrating to me. “This is YOUR LAST CHANCE to send your donation so more people can hear the Gospel.” “Last chance!!??” Now I’m not famous… just a little cog on the big wheel that is ‘The Church.’ But may I say it? “I’m offended!”
Nowhere in Scripture do we find the concept that I can sit back, send a check, and get credited for sharing the love of Christ! Jesus clearly tells me that sharing His love is my own responsibility. Not someone else’s. Besides… the folks asking for the money live in Texas, Virginia, California etc.! They are nowhere NEAR MY friends and neighbors!
So on this first day of January 2020, I’m going to remind you of the same appeal that you had all 365 days LAST Year… GO INTO THE WORLD AND SHARE! We KNOW the Way, Truth and Life. We carry His love and joy with us 24/7. And there is only ONE deadline with which we need be concerned! And He isn’t sharing the date and time of His return!
Maybe we can look at 2020 as a GREAT opportunity to meet new people and just get to know them, help them with a menial task, comfort them in a difficult situation, and SHOW them Jesus by just being a friend! THEN, when the Holy Spirit opens the door… NOT rely on some outta state preacher to tell them the greatest news of all! Jesus Christ!
Go get ’em tiger… er.. sheep!!
Happy 2020