“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14
The county where I live decided to implement a new recycling program. One day I came home to find a HUGE blue container on wheels with explicit rules on how to use it. Yesterday was the new kick off date. Since I have 2 properties, one on the other side of town, I have 2 bins. So I co-operated, making the trip and effort to roll both bins to the curb, facing them in the proper direction.
Not wanting to leave the ‘across town’ bin out as an eyesore, I drove the 9 mile round trip, through heavy traffic and government controlled traffic lights, to put it away. But when I got there, it was still full! So I headed back home… red light, red light, red light… you get the idea. I discovered that the one at home hadn’t been picked up either. Though inconvenienced, I wasn’t surprised. New things take time.
Please note, this is NOT a rant against government or its capabilities. In the interest of public safety, traffic needs to be regulated and garbage removed. And I’m glad that “I” don’t have to personally be the one to do it, since paying my taxes gets it done… usually. The fact is that EVERYBODY complains about taxes and the overall failure of government to satisfy us. Then there is the Government of God!
The woman at the well had NO idea she was going to meet the King of the Universe. Had she known, she STILL would not have been able to clean herself up enough to be worthy of His visit. Her failure has stained deep into her soul. Which, surprisingly, is EXACTLY why God came to her with an offer!
The King of the Universe makes the same offer to me… ‘MY’ sin in exchange for immeasurably more than I could ever imagine… and NO garbage. As I reflect on the lack of ANY promise from human government to completely satisfy me, I am reminded of JESUS promise of COMPLETE forgiveness and of LIVING water that COMPLETELY quenches my deepest heart’s need. I willingly sign up for HIS service and recommend Him to you too! I can truthfully say that Jesus is the ultimate Trash Man!