“you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4:7
My wife and I had a wonderful time last week as we got away on a cruise during Thanksgiving Week. It all started when I received an email from a website that caters to vacations ‘on sale!’ It wasn’t really ‘planned’ as much as it just ‘came along!’ When I saw the SALE price I was hooked into taking a peek at the possibilities. More intrigue, research and agreement landed us on a ship!
If you have ever been on a cruise, you know you will get 2 questions from people when you get home. 1. Where did you go? 2. What did you do? It’s just a given! Over the years I have come up with standard answers to both questions… ‘Nowhere’ and ‘nothin’! I believe these answers, in essence, are the major points of the whole ‘cruise’ experience in the first place.
As I stood on the deck of the ship and looked out at the vast ocean with NO land in view, It struck me how very small I am. At one point, as I sat in a lounge chair, I could have SWORN I was ‘one’ with the compass heading. When I stood up and actually paid attention, I was actually facing 1 o’clock and not 12! The clouds and waves were deceptive!
At the same time I was doing ‘nothin,’ the thought hit me that my Captain son was almost 7000 miles away standing on the deck of a ship as well. But with a VERY big difference! It is his JOB! He HAS to know where he is going and what he is doing, since lives and a mission are at stake!
As Thanksgiving 2019 fades into the sunset, we are steering an Advent Course toward Christmas. Simply being born is the ticket to work, chaos, struggle and death. I know that sounds dark! But it is the truth. And it was precisely this reason that God sent His Son into the world… To SAVE!
As ‘The Season’ approaches, I find myself asking those same 2 questions over and over again. “Where am I going,” and “What am I doing?” I have to admit that reality finds me ‘off course’ often. But there is a Captain on the Bridge of my life who has a purpose for me. And it’s NOT just to do ‘nothin!’
I am being prodded to remember that I am being GROOMED! As His son, I will inherit what He is, and will reign with Him when I get there. How will I do it? Well, like you, God is using circumstances to mold, shape and teach me how to be a little more serious about His purposes. And as He moves me, a little more intrigue, research and agreement with Him will land me EXACTLY where I am supposed to be!