“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13
It started 2 nights ago with a sore throat. There I was, minding my own business and enjoying life, when I suddenly felt the tingle. YOU know what I am talking about all too well. From past experience my mind went auto-pilot as I reached for the Vitamin C and some tea. But my mind was not satisfied with that! Is started to meander on a hike!!! And THAT is where the trouble started!
If you have any years under your belt you KNOW that the start of a sore throat can lead your mind into the unknown. Immediately I thought, “Oh NO!!! Did I talk too much? Is this a cold? Allergy? FLU? THROAT CANCER? AHHHHHHHHH I’m DYINGGGGGGG!” Then just like that… it snapped back with, “knock it off ya wimp and suck it up! You’ll be fine!” I climbed under the covers and whimpered… ‘o.k.’ But that didn’t stop my wandering mind!
By the time my wife got home yesterday I was not hitting on all cylinders. My nose cooperated with my mind and started to run… my body rebelled and shut down at the competition. One look and she KNEW I wasn’t feeling my best. I’ll never forget her tender words to me, “Have you been pickin’ yer nose again?” Such compassion! Adding to my already paled look my mind added…”See! It’s all YOUR fault!” Wonderful!
I wasn’t sick enough to stay home, so I went to church and avoided touching on people. Asking for prayer requests, there were some SERIOUS issues facing individuals of the flock. It never even occurred to me to ask for a prayer in light of THEIR circumstance. Beside, I already KNEW that MY relief would have to be an ‘inside job.’
Evil, sickness, sorrow and pain are part of this world. It will STAY a part of it until Christ returns and restores all things. This verse today was good for me to read because it firmly plants my spirit on TOP of ‘The Rock’ and kicks my mind off of it! It isn’t positive thinking or hocus pocus either! It is keeping the ‘main thing’ the ‘main thing!’ THIS life is a war zone. Ultimate peace and health are not available in ANY store down here. So I am command to focus and shop where it IS found.
I’m feeling pretty giddy now! O.K., it might be a Sudafed high!! But I CAN tell you that the reminder is GOOD medicine. There is NOTHING like a good kick in the pants to remind me that I hadn’t done what I was SUPPOSED to! This world may deliver an unwanted visitor to my doorstep. But I do NOT have to let it STAY! The thought of Eternity and what HE will bring is the ticket for my mind to take a different kind of hike! Sniff!! Touching, eh?