
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” Ephesians 2:19

This last weekend, on my trip to Los Angeles, I got married AND adopted! I am SOOO excited I can’t wait any longer to tell you about it. See the picture? That’s Jake and Margaret (lucky Jake, huh?). Jake is my nephew on my wife’s side of the family. Just by default, you already KNOW who Margaret is. If you know ME… you already know how I feel about Margaret…. She’s my FAVORITE!

I KNEW about Jake all of his life… though I didn’t really KNOW him. But Jake is family! So when we were invited to the wedding, we naturally said we’d be there… in Los Angeles, California! Having been to L.A. a few times, I don’t really care for the place. But I was going for a family wedding…NOT the town. While there, we found ourselves with some time to kill and driving around, we hit Koreatown!

I could tell things were different in Koreatown because of the signs, most of which were written, assumedly, in Korean! One sign IMMEDIATELY jumped out! In English… it read “Immigration Attorney!” The REASON this stood out to me is that I have never seen that sign in ANY town where I have lived before. It made me stop and think!

Having met Margret, her mom and dad, her sisters and friends, we fell in love with them immediately! Talking to them I heard the story from her Father about how he came to this country in the 80’s… back in the early computer days. Staying, he was missing something important… his family! Over the years, following the laws of our country, he is a citizen. After hearing HIS story, I REALLY understood the sign in Koreatown! It’s all about FAMILY! Then I thought of Heaven!

Margaret and her family are STRONG Christians. In fact, when she met Jake and the sparks started to fly, she told HIM that Jesus would be the head of her marriage. I am proud to say that Jake signed up (smart Jake!) and is ALL IN!! Because they are Christians, that makes them some of the CLOSEST members of MY Family as well! We have adopted each other and are no longer aliens or strangers, but fellow citizens of a unique community where Christ is King and WE are His Queen! OK… that sounds weird!

If you read the verse today you will see it starts with the word ‘Consequently’ and ends with a comma! That means there is MORE to know, both before and after! I’ll let YOU look it up. And if YOU REALLY KNOW what the before and after means…welcome to the GREATEST FAMILY ON EARTH! You TOO have been married and adopted! Congratulations & Welcome!!

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