“Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity.” Hebrews 6:1
Walking into the kitchen, I poured a cup of cold coffee, placed it into the microwave… beep, beep, beep whirrrrrrrr! While it heated I opened the refrigerator and surfed the cellophane wrapping for a cookie… crunch… crackle… BEEP! The coffee was done! Turning around I saw my wife glaring at me.. eyes wide open… and I froze…! “I’m not like you!” was all she said. DUH!!!!
If you know Katie you know she is sweet, kind, patient and dedicated. But she is also frazzled. Working to renew her accreditation, she is cramming online classwork like a boss! I should have remembered because just that morning she was ready to send the neighbor with the leaf blower to Valhalla!! She hates distractions when she is concentrating. I was one! When I offered her a cookie… she didn’t even smile!
I know, I know.. it’s hard to imagine ME not being the mature one!!!!! She was on a timed test and needed to concentrate. I was just doing my thing… unaware of not being aware! If I could pick a superhero to hang out with, it would be Batman. But in reality… I LIVE with a superhero. Katie can out-perform, out-work, out-last and out-shine me on any given day! Pick one! SHE is my hero. And while she is a Master at teaching pre-school… she is FAR from elementary! And now she was being mature.
Believers in Christ are called to movement. To mature, grow, go and be His… WHATEVER my Savior and Lord calls me to. He has plans for me, and ALL of us, that will never be fulfilled as long as I am playing in mud-puddles. There comes a time when we must grow and go! The world is in danger.
There is a time for everything. For work and play, silly and serious. And while it can easily be a downer to think of the looming tasks that call us, I must remember that He is NOT pressing me to DO something FOR Him. He wants me to grow up and FOCUS and DEPEND upon Him. THAT is maturity. He does not call me to independence.. but joyful dependence. Strangely opposite from what the world expects.
It is possible to be both the distracted and to be the distraction. Could it be that God is calling me to be NEITHER?