“Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24
Getting up yesterday morning I put on some comfortable clothes and spent time with God. Having 2 appointments, I changed into nicer clothes. Upon arriving home I got comfortable again. Picking up on my spring yard work, I changed into work duds, then later bathed and changed again into better clothes to go out to get fast-food place with my wife. Arriving home, I changed back to relax. How many times did I change my clothes??? According to God’s standards, the answer HE would expect should be…ZERO!
I know I drive my wife nuts with my clothes. I usually just drop the previous ones over a quilt rack, or on the floor bedside my bed, and go. I save the ‘putting away’ until another time… sometimes a day or 2 later! But I THINK I have Biblical precedent and a great defense! God says to “PUT OFF” the OLD man… then to “PUT ON” the NEW. Preoccupation with the old flesh is a NO NO! He seems to be saying…DROP IT! Focus on God to maintain the NEW is hard enough without playing with the OLD!
My wife has more of an appearance issue than I do. She very much dislikes the idea that someone would see me in my dirty, ripped up work clothes. Because of my vocation, she asks the question, “what would people THINK of you if they saw you dressed like that?” She has a point, I guess. Apparently my Master has the same issue! The verse today clearly tells me what He thinks about ‘the dirty old man’ within. The Flesh is NOT something to be dressed up. His demand is to do with it ‘currently’ what Jesus did with it on the cross ‘ultimately’…kill it off!
I was CREATED to BE LIKE my CREATOR. Not some dirty fallen bum. He clearly says that following any selfish, fleshly desire simply fuels the fires of my own corruption. He calls me to ‘PUT OFF’ the old and to ‘re-mind’ my thinking to HIS. I was made for fellowship and relationship with HIM. His clothes are righteousness and holiness. When I am dressed up in the proper attire, my whole world changes. And that is the point!
It is said that you can dress up a pig… but that a dressed up is still a pig! God has NO plans for my flesh. MY way is NOT His way… and there is NO way I am getting anywhere NEAR the Palace looking like a bum! But the choice is mine! He will never MAKE me change if I do not WANT to change. I suppose one of the best things I can to is to ask myself each day, “what am I dressed for?” Though I do not know if my wife will buy the excuse for the pile old clothes on the floor!