“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
I have never, not once in 31 years, EVER seen anyone sleeping on the street in my neighborhood. But last week, while walking the streets of New Orleans, this was a common sight. With no real preparation or response, the only reaction I could muster was shock! The only real question I could ask was, “how could someone fall that far?” Interestingly, being only one half of the surreal encounter, I was the ONLY one asking the question!
It generally started in the morning as we walked. There always seemed to be some kind of food in their hands. After being awake and having eaten whatever, the street dwellers would start the begging. Cardboard placards read things like, “homeless – TIPS appreciated” or “anything will help,” were attempts to garner money from people who felt sorry for their plot. But there was no mistaking where that money would ultimately go.
I received a kind of societal explanation as to what was REALLY going on down in the French Quarter when our Uber Driver made an attempt to answer my question… “WHY do the authorities ALLOW this kind of behavior in a town that makes most of it money from tourism?” He said, “to get rid of them there has to be rules. When people come to Bourbon street, they do NOT WANT rules. This is the result!”
That last sentence may have been heard in my mind, but it was not setting well in my spirit. It took some time to think and to marry the ‘cause and effect’ of what he said. Then Romans 1:28 came to mind… “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” I was seeing the principle before my very eyes.
All across this great nation there are programs and ministries from both churches and municipalities to try to help relieve the suffering of these lost ones. Sadly, most show very poor or lasting results. I have read that only about 5% of alcoholics or drug addicts ever make it to sobriety. Almost NONE make with without turning to God for the hand up!
This uncomfortable subject is best pushed back into my own psyche because it is just too painful to consider. And yet, the principle is a law unto itself. When I ALLOW a lie of evil into my heart, that seed WILL sprout… even if I don’t want it to. Sadly, the bigger that evil grows, the more GOOD stuff the decision maker will have to throw out to make room. Eventually, nothing good remains.
I have wrestled with the notion that “God causes and controls everything” to the point of exhaustion. I have learned through Scripture that bad choices bring bad consequences. Reaping what I sow is a universal principle that starts in the heart and ends with destruction. God is asking me today just how much I am willing to LOSE in order to GAIN HIM! It is a valid question, since what comes tomorrow, WILL be the fruit of what is planted today. How do YOU see it?