
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

It was time to change the oil in my 13 year old truck. It is something I do myself and I have done it many times. It is ALWAYS a spiritual experience! This picture shows the actual access point of entry for removing and replacing the oil filter. The first few times I change the oil, I was at it for a LONG time and significantly increased my cussin’ and anger abilities. Then one day… it all changed!

Auto repair is the area I believe I have shed the most tears. I REFUSE to pay someone to do this for me. So one day, at my wits end, I paused and prayed, “Lord… this is gonna sound crazy.. but I can’t SEE where to screw on this filter, but if you guide my hand, I know WE can get this done together WITHOUT the drama… Thank You!” BAM!!! DONE!! So this time, as I reached up in that hole, I smiled and said, “Lord.. I’m ready when YOU are!” My oil change has become a church service!

In all my years I have never been satisfied with my own understanding, or others explanation, of Hebrews 11:1. Deep inside I sensed that there was something tangible in that foggy description of the BIG thing that pleases God. Now, to my liking, I believe I have discovered it!

When a soldier enlists in the army, He is GIVEN a weapon, TRAINED in how to use it, then SET FREE to fight. There is NOTHING magical about it. Using all of his senses, like seeing and hearing, he enters the war zone LOOKING and ANTICIPATING where he can utilize his weapon and skills to eliminate the enemy. Can it be that THAT is what God wants me to do with this Faith thing? I believe so!

Everyone likes the idea a being a super spy, like James Bond or Ethan Hunt. They are athletic and can fight, drive anything, shoot everything and even dance! They also look good in a Tux! They have a knack for getting out of any jam, even with limited resources. They are GOOD at what they do as they exercise their training and skills for the cause of freedom! Can I?

As I go through life I can SEE, HEAR and SENSE where the enemy resides. Being securely connected wirelessly to God’s home base, I can receive information and release His weapons into an area overrun by the enemy. I CAN expect VICTORY! While my weapons are spiritual, sizing up the situation is ALWAYS FIRST…physical! It STARTS with activating MY senses and SEEING my target. It ends with the release of His powerful, unseen force. The goal is to bring His freedom into hostile territory! But the FIRST weapon is my senses. With this explanation, there is really nothing mystical about Faith! It may never make sense in the physical world, but that is it’s power!

I realize that the oil change story is wacky. It makes no sense and may have even anger some people. “If God helped him with an oil change, why didn’t he heal my mom!” That sentence, while it MAY have merit, is full of mystery and error. All I know is, since I began giving the problem of my oil change to Him, cussin’ has not been an issue. Imagine what He can do when I turn that unsaved person I see… over to Him…and then follow up with the invisible action of FAITH!? Roger that?

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