“Blessed is the one… whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2
I have a floor jack for jacking up a car. I also have a son. Well… 2 sons AND 2 daughters! My oldest wanted to borrow my floor jack. I also have a garage. You know… a place to park a vehicle. I have 2 vehicles AND a motorcycle. I can only fit 1 car and the motorcycle in the garage. Right now it is a squeeze to do even that…since I ALSO have 2 truckloads of Christmas stuff piled in the garage… blocking the door… that holds my jack.. that my son wants to borrow! I guess you could say I am a blessed man!
You’ve heard the saying, “He who dies with the most toys wins?” It is a facetious statement about the STUFF men collect. Another saying puts that one into perspective…. “You’ll never see a Hearse pulling a trailer!” I have been evaluating my life lately, and I can honestly say that I am a VERY blessed man. But NOT because of my ‘stuff!’
I know lots of people… miserable, unhappy people… who have WAY more ‘STUFF’ than me. I do not envy them and have learned, the hard way, that stuff can be VERY distracting! In fact, it can be a downright curse! Ever hear of a White Elephant? If so, then you understand the point.
This Psalm is the very first one in the book of Psalms. It CLEARLY tells mankind what we SHOULD be striving for and how we should be living our lives. The BLESSED person is NOT one who has a bunch of STUFF… but the one who delights in God and His Word. Who loves to spend time thinking, pondering and applying His Word to their daily lives. It is ‘The Proper’ collection for every man, woman and child. Yet… sadly… it is the one most ignored.
Stuff comes with its own set of distractions. Where to put it, how to organize it, and how to get to or find it when the need arises. All require time and focus, which steals time and focus from the most important thing… GOD and HIS stuff! Which is the REAL reason no hearse pulls a trailer. God doesn’t NEED our stuff! So He’s made it impossible to take it with us when we go!
The older I get the more I love God and the less I want earthly stuff! Lately I have been thinking about what to do with all my earthly blessings. Do I give it all away, sell it or just leave it for my kids to sort through? While I ponder the answer, I am dedicating my time to focusing on God’s stuff instead. For THAT is where my REAL blessing lies. And THAT”S the stuff I can take with me when I go!