“Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! … From the Lord comes deliverance.”
“May your blessing be on your people.” Psalm 3:1 & 8
Driving on a back road with no traffic, I saw 2 bicyclists riding up ahead and into a sharp turn. I slowed, and when the opportunity came, I passed them cautiously, thankful that I didn’t accidentally hit them! Later in the day, while driving with my wife, someone passed me, got in front of me, then slowed down! It was when my wife got upset with my attitude that I realized why Jesus had to die for my sins!
In the first incident with the bicyclists, I was grateful. Had I hit one of them, I’d have been guilty of manslaughter and my day would have been ruined. In the 2nd incident, according to Jesus, I was not just guilty of manslaughter… but actual MURDER! One version of Matthew 5:22 says, “if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.” Uh-Oh!
I know when God is dealing with me, He often uses my wife to remind me I am being sinful! So yesterday, after she pointed it out, I murdered her too! Then this morning I read something from a parent who lost patience with their children. She said something like, ‘my children did not CREATE my mood, they simply revealed it!’ Ouch! Boom! GUILTY!!!
It is natural for my selfish ‘flesh,’ as it sits on its throne of power, to blame anyone else for the wrongs in the state of the Kingdom. But when I step off my throne and let God rule, I learn that the problem is not THEM…. it’s ME! At that point, ‘shame’ joins ‘guilt’ and it is an EASY process to lock MYSELF in the dungeon as my own prosecutor. But God reminds me… ‘don’t do that please! You are MINE and I want you FINE!’
One of the greatest gifts God gives me is the ability to realize that “I” am usually ‘my’ own problem! Anger, rage, impatience and frustration are already IN me. They do NOT come from outside. Outside forces simply ‘reveal’ the sin within. When I see and admit the REAL problem, with God’s help, He then delivers ‘deliverance’ right to the doorstep of my heart! When that happens, my wife can love and appreciate me once more. Even though I’ll probably murder her again!
What a WOMAN!