“..giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:12-14
Years ago, standing in the lighting section of the store, I found myself inside the black hole of ‘figurin!’ Needing a couple 4’ lights for a florescent fixture, it SHOULD have been an easy task. Now, new information was presented to me that was causing deep consternation and confusion. A 2 pack of 4 foot florescent tubes was $6.98. But right beside them were new LED replacement lights that ‘saved money’’ and ‘last’s up to 44 years!’ A 2 pack was $26.98. Even Einstein didn’t have it so hard!
The decision should have been a no-brainer. The price was $20 MORE! How could I possibly justify spending that much? Having been a salesman most of my working life, I calculated, in my head no less, the approximate cost savings over time and divided it by years and months. Having OWNED several LED light bulbs that had been given me years ago by a yuppie minded conservationist, I remembered that they hadn’t REALLY lasted any longer than the REAL ones. I also remembered that the light from them was kind of funky! So I bought the cheaper ‘REAL’ ones instead!
Talking to a young lady yesterday about The Gospel, I was hoping to give her information that might help her see Jesus. After asking some questions, the answers I received informed me that she was not interested in finding anything. She believed that her ‘’spirit-force’ would go SOMEWHERE after death, but she didn’t know where. In truth she admitted she didn’t care to know. In shock, I knew the discussion was closed.
The Bible CLEARLY teaches that ALL humans are born knowing the existence of God (Romans 1:19) and that we are all sinful creatures living in the darkness in need of a Savior (Romans 1:32). POWERFUL information that SHOULD affect a decision. BUT! Increasingly, ‘figurin’ is not really an important character trait these days. The darkness is growing!
Now I’m not the smartest guy on the planet, but with my ‘real vs LED’ brain powers, I can see a ‘DEAL’ from 100 miles away! I was in darkness headed for eternal death when the Father sent His Son to pay, and seal the deal for, my transfer into His Kingdom of Light! He offered it to me… FREE! I made the decision and took Him up on it over 50 years ago. I have found it to be my the REAL deal of a lifetime. Forgiveness and redemption are mine… NOW! Like Paul, I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!
Last week I was GIVEN an unwrapped pair of 4’ LED bulbs that had been sitting on someone’s shelf for years. The number ‘44 years’ was highlighted… and I realized WHY. Heck, if you don’t USE ‘em, they MIGHT just last forever! I pray YOU might be set free from bad ‘figurin’ and stinkin’ thinkin!’ Your REAL eternal destiny depends upon sound reasoning! The clock on your life is ticking!