“Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
With just a short amount of time between Katie getting home from work and a church meeting, I had to call a play. Dinner was not going to be a leisurely fancy affair. It needed to be quick. Quick to me also means cheap. There’s no sense spending a lot of money on something we wouldn’t enjoy for long. Finding some coupons, we headed for fast food!
The pictures on the coupons, coupled with previous experience, showed 2 healthy looking chicken sandwiches with 2 fries for $7.99. That fit my specifications, so we ordered. It turned out that what I desired… I received. A fast, cheap meal. But it really gave me no delight. I was disappointed. But not overly so. Delight had been sacrificed to both time and money.
I don’t ask myself this question out loud every day, but my attitude continues to keep score on what I subconsciously desire and what I get! If I am happy, it is because the majority of my desires are being met. If I am grumpy, it’s usually because of some unmet expectation. The question that is constantly being asked of myself is… what do I REALLY want?
I am a fickle man. Most of us are. I often THINK I know what I want. But upon delivery, my heart can easily score that desire as a waste or disappointment. The order of today’s verse is absolutely the correct approach. If I take delight in the LORD first, my heartfelt desires are promised to be met. That means if I put my heart and eyes on HIM, attitude will score a 10!
What do YOU REALLLLLLY want or desire? Is it Godly? If your disappointment meter goes off after receiving it, you can be sure… it isn’t! Go ahead… give it a test!