
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. Psalm 33:12

Last year I was escorted off a public school campus by security, then my speaker credentials were revoked because I had mentioned to a student body that our motto in America is “In God We Trust!” I was discouraged. Last night, President Trump addressed a joint session of Congress to deliver a speech that brought back the joy and hope of being an American.

Being a Believer and Disciple of Jesus Christ, I don’t THINK I know God and what He wants… I ABSOLUTELY know! With The Holy Spirit living inside me and His Word before my eyes, I read what He has to say, and take it seriously. I am smart enough to know that there is my way… and there is His Way. Having tried both, I’ve never been surprised at either outcome.

While last night marked a clear directional shift in America’s direction toward becoming a more Godly nation, that status does not come by accident. It takes work and effort on MY part. Today is the first day of Lent where, for the next 40 days, all believers in Christ are to give up, or fast, from our normal routines and place emphasis on God’s Word and direction.

It is my prayer that today, and everyday, that you will join me in opening God’s Word and devour what He has to say about where we are, and where He wants us to be. Evil does not turn and run. It only slinks off to make better plans. It is time I stand up to it and join hands with other fellow Believers to do God’s will. What an honor it is to join with YOU in His work.

What is God calling YOU to give up… or take on… for HIM and our Country?

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