
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6

“Eh!” is now my response to any palmetto bug skittering from the light in my garage… or bathroom… or anywhere else. It doesn’t cause me alarm, surprise or anxiousness like it did upon my first encounter 50 years ago. Now it’s just “Eh!” An unwelcome irritation that needs to be taken care of. So I took care of it. Because that is what I’m supposed to do!

The age of Feminism blossomed a few decades ago. I was there and saw it… AFTER the decline of the age of Manliness. But Feminism cannot work. Proof is in the reaction to a roach! Some things remain the man’s job! I didn’t cry out “Oh Katie HELP!” I surreptitiously slipped on over… and destroyed the unwelcome visitor. Then sprayed to prevent more!

Having been convicted by the slinking out of darkness into the light, a lil bug of sin crept from the ‘dark side’ of my heart. I don’t let anyone fool me into the false sense of security of “once saved – always saved” where I can do anything I want without remorse, penalty or eradication. Jesus saves completely… but we’ve still work to do on the bugs of my life.

God’s light shines into the darkness of my heart to reveal the things that do not bring Him glory. He doesn’t share! His command to “Be Holy” still stands and requires action upon my part. My reaction to the glorious display of His Son in my life is to destroy the bugs of sin, and take measures to rid them from my life. It is ‘On Me’ to be ‘all in’ on His offer of Glory!

Fellow Exterminator…. are YOU ‘all in’ with, and for… Jesus?

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