“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” 2 Timothy 2:23-24
“Whadayamean you’re not doing that!?” I was confused… then flustered… then angry! I was supposed to get an ‘entire roof replacement.’ Now that half the roof was off, I was told about a quarter of the roof, the flat part, wasn’t included in ‘The Contract!’ Having been in sales most of my life, I realized I either had a problem… or an opportunity! “Oh Dear Lord!”
There were 8 men working hard, banging out and destroying my old roof to replace it with a new one. Somewhere between my first conversation with the salesman and the banging of hammers, I realized I wasn’t getting what I’d signed for. Sensing God’s ‘opportunity mode,’ I made a phone call… which netted a couple more. It was clear we weren’t on the same page!
Now in my flesh I’m as good as anybody, and better than most, at arguing and getting ugly. When the sales-guy lobbed some insults at me to justify HIS position, I sensed the demonic world smile. Experience told me ‘do not follow!’ The men were here, and the roof needed done NOW. I could fight… or I could work on a fix. Asking God for Grace… He provided.
Like rain through the leaky roof, there were a couple times when ugly tried to re-enter and damage the process. Then I remembered, ‘I represent Christ.’ They knew I was a pastor, & I knew Jesus had more to lose than me. So I remained cordial and dedicated to resolving the issue. A misunderstanding had taken place. And misunderstandings come… with expenses.
It cost me more than I’d originally thought. But it’s Jesus’ roof anyway! He owns everything I have. I had the opportunity to lay down what I thought were MY rights.. and give Jesus HIS right to claim and manage what was His… which is EVERYTHING! As a kindness, I took the workers some coffee and ice cream bars… wearing a Jesus hat of course! Winner Winner!
What are YOU fighting for… and what are you giving up for your Savior?