“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15
“Uh Oh!” I knew I was in trouble when the response to my password AGAIN came back, ‘Password not found!” But I had a backup plan. I have a special place where I store those passwords to protect me from… ME! Going to my hideout, I looked it up, typed it in and… “Password not found!” “WHOA BOY! What do I do NOW?” Then… I thought about Heaven!
For just an instant, in the back of my mind, the scenario of standing before God came into view. What if this same response came from those managing the Pearly Gates? Dare I try a few more passwords to hopefully stumble onto the right one? If those didn’t work, could I demand to see a supervisor who might have some ‘pull’ with The Big Guy? Then… I smiled.
In reading and discovering polling answers from people, when asked what they believe and where they will spend eternity, it is sad to see that the VAST majority, upwards to 90% of them, cannot tell for sure where they will go when they die! When pressed on the matter, the common response is to offer guesses or excuses. But could that ever work for God?
I thank God that I KNOW for CERTAIN where I will go when I die. No “if’s, and’s or but’s.” And there will not be any need for guessing either! I know the password EXACTLY. It is the #1 Priority of my life. I get great peace and solace from knowing that MY name is written in ‘God’s Eternal Book Of Life.’ What about YOU? Is YOUR name there? Are YOU CERTAIN?