“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” John 3:17
My wife is a murderer! The plant, left unwatered, screamed out in dying plant language… “HELP!” O.K. I didn’t HEAR it.. but I SAW it! When I asked Katie what happened to the plant she said, “I’ve been busy!” And she has! This is a crazy time of year for both of us. And neither of us are running at 100% healthwise.
It wasn’t intentional. The plant was in the corner. I don’t look over there and, because she has a million things on her mind, neither did she. Until!!! So she stuck it in the sink and watered it. I came upon it this morning and trimmed all the dead stuff off, and placed it outside saying the words “Hope ya make it!”
My condition was MUCH worse. There was no fault by anyone but me. Sure… I was BORN human and inherited sin by nature. But I’ve PLENTY to be found guilty of WITHOUT any title to my name. Sin, in God’s Kingdom, is forbidden. Dying… I needed a Savior. Thank God He looked into my dark corner… and MOVED!
He didn’t just pat me on the back and say, “Hope ya make it!” There was NO chance of ‘making it’ on my own. The price of sin is eternal death and absence from His Heavenly realm. But He noticed! And He cared FAR too much! So much so in fact, that the remedy for my life, was the price of His blood. And He PAID IT!
Death never saw Him sneak in. The enemy was looking elsewhere. So under a cloak of darkness, the only place left to ‘slip in’ undetected… was a stable. The only place the Son could shine was in a dark place. And He came anyway. The sun brings life to plants. The purpose of the Son.. is to bring life… to ME!
God’s Word, to me, is Living water. And like water to a plant, it is not only important… it is absolutely necessary for LIFE! Are YOU in a dark place. Do YOU need Living water and Light? Jesus invites you to come for both. Because He isn’t a murderer. He’s The Savior! And YOU’RE why He came!