
There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money… ungrateful… unforgiving… not lovers of the good… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God… Having a form of godliness…” 2 Timothy 3 1-5

A major hurricane has a way of intensely bringing out what is most important to people. Two hurricanes in 2 weeks… even more so. Everything was pretty, beautiful and normal… when suddenly, it felt like I was living on the inside of a snow globe that had just been shaken by a monster! Then NORMAL disappeared.

I was blessed beyond words. Other than some pool screens and a few trees, we came away with everything intact. Many people were not so fortunate. Within hours, normal life with electricity, which brought AC internet and TV, was replaced by the sounds of generators, lack of communication and darkness. No fun!

According to many governmental sources, I’m not supposed to be here writing this today. I should be dead! At least that was the forecast…“If you stay you will die!” I’m alive and OK. But according to today’s verse (which I truncated) I am shocked at how many people are very truly… NOT! And I’m not talking physically.

Yesterday was the first Sunday after Hurricane Milton. It took a few days to prepare for its arrival. As soon as it was gone, it seemed everyone got in a big hurry to clean up and put everything back to ‘normal.’ But yesterday’s sunny Sunday showed a very low turnout in our Church. A sad surprise to me.

I am supposed to be dead! I am SUPREMELY GRATEFUL that I am not… tho the other side will be much more awesome. But I have things to do here. And one of them is to point out to people that, Rule #1… if God isn’t first in your life, you are stuffed with the wrong thing! Are you GRATEFUL to God for His Life in you? Do you SHOW IT? Because… other storms are headed our way. And not just weather!

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