
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Life is filled with them… building blocks of time and resources just waiting to be spent on priorities I hold most necessary or important. Those priorities fall under the 2 headings above… ‘wants’ versus ‘needs.’ It IS possible to have a particular item fit both criteria. For example oxygen. But I NEED it more than I WANT it!

Admittedly, I don’t go about my day dreaming or wishing for air! It is auto-supplied by God. But if asked to list my top 10 most important desires, I’m sure I’d miss oxygen. In the last 24 hours, I find myself honing in on a list of important priorities. Things I need to have and do NOW… because a clock is ticking!

I WANT a nice 74 degree sunny day with low humidity. And I DON’T want to HAVE to WORK. Hanging out with family and friends is at the top of that list, along with some good food and fun. I do NOT WANT a hurricane. Nor do I wish for any of the ‘crazy’ that comes along with preparing for one. But what I want and need…

I’ve known this Bible verse most of my life. I wasn’t searching for it, when suddenly, the Holy Spirit dropped it into my heart. I didn’t smile or jump up and down with glee. But I did lock it into my highest priority mode, and a peace settled over the stage of my anxious thoughts. Cuz it’s a promise from my Savior.

We’ve all prayed, and continue to, that we will see no real damage from a hurricane headed our way. I’ve seen miracles before… and I’m expecting to see more over the next few days. But for now, I’m going to place my focus on Jesus. After all… HE’S the one who can use ANY storm to prioritize and bless my life.

Are YOU resting in the arms of the Savior? He WILL supply ALL of your needs… but HE is the one who has to have the power to sort them. Why not give Him your list?

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