
But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

The last week, and especially the last 12 hours, have taken a huge toll on Katie & me. Her last words to me before going to bed last night… in tears were, “I’m sad… I’m sore… and I hurt! We’re so stupid!” Holding her, all I could do was concur. What started out 3 weeks ago as an act of obedience and faith, just crashed!

Turning over a half a million dollar house to God to help build our Church didn’t take NEAR as much Faith as it took to wake up this morning… and put my feet on the floor to go on with another day! Within 2 weeks of commitment, Hurricane Helene (and most likely satan) seemed to say, “no way!” And flooded the place!

Within 4 hours of Helene’s flood surge, the house filled with 4 inches of water and receded… leaving only a nursery for black mold. All the years of hard work to build a nice waterfront house have gone down with the tide. After building it up, church members helped us rip out water damaged drywall, molding and STUFF!

Finding myself with the same emotions as David, Job, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Peter and MOST Believers at crisis times, the ‘WHY’ question doesn’t come. I already KNOW WHY!’ The question is more like, “What was THAT all about?” Did we make a mistake? Misunderstand? Do it WRONG?” We’re human, We heard. We trusted Him!

This morning we awoke to catastrophic resolve… in Him! Encouraging one another, we continue to lick our wounds & listen for HIM! I found myself fighting to sweep away the despair and loss, to count our blessings. Katie found today’s verse and shared it with me. So discouragement and DIS-faith… ain’t livin’ here!

It is not the STUFF of our lives that bring blessing. It is God’s PEOPLE! Had we not, in faith, given that house to God, we would have been facing the loss of this big piece of STUFF…alone. But prayers, sweat, labor and encouragement, by people, stepping up to help, are our greatest treasures on Earth. No STUFF can compare!

THANK YOU for your mutual Faith in Christ and your willingness to sacrifice and help people who need a touch from God’s fingers. It is truly the proof that God loves & uses people to build His Kingdom… not stuff. YOU are truly our blessing from God’s hands. So read those Bible Verse marching orders from God… again!

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