
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“It’s Time,” I said as I gently opened the door to awaken Gema for school. Gema’s parents are out of town and Katie and I have the privilege of caring for her while they are gone. Today is special. Gema is a cheerleader for Venice High School and tonight is a big game. She needed to be up at 5:30am. MY role was to make sure!

Gema’s schedule is different from mine. I don’t usually get up until 6:30. But today, because of HER choice to serve as a cheerleader, I adjusted MY needs. She breezed through her schedule quickly, so I offered to stop at Starbucks to buy her fav… a “Pumpkin Mocha Chai latte” and an Apple Croissant. She was very happy!

Several times she made the statement “It’s OK Papa… you don’t have to do that!” Gema is not a grandparent, so she doesn’t understand the privilege and honor that comes with being one. I have been blessed by God SO MUCH, and SHE is at the TOP of my blessings list. It was a joy for me to order and pay for her… ‘latte!’

Tonight she will stand in front of THOUSANDS of people and encourage them to ‘cheer’ for the home team. Dressed in a special outfit and waving pom-poms, there will be no mistaking who she is, what she is doing and who’s team she’s on. She will ‘stand out’ in the crowd because she’d made the DECISION to do so.

Jesus has some words for His Team members, and standing along the sidelines isn’t part of the job description. The word ‘Encourage’ isn’t a request or suggestion. It is a COMMAND. Just like His words ‘Love’ and ‘Give!’ They are words that separate us from the pack and make us stand out from the crowd.

My call and choice to become Jesus’ Cheerleader isn’t very popular among the crowds of the world. It often isn’t popular among the smaller crowds of people called Christians and Church Members either. Cheering often falls on deaf or stubborn ears. But Jesus’ commands that both cheering AND following, to be done.

Are YOU an active part of Team Jesus? Or are you too busy doing your own thing to do His? There are crowds of people out there who need to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ what Jesus wants you to ‘do’ and ‘say.’  Are you going to “GO, GO, GO?” I encourage you to take your place on the field of His Abundant Life! Latte-like treasures will be included!

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