
Continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.2 Thessalonians 3:4-5

“I committed murder 4 times on the way home from Church!” That’s what one of my tough Jesus guys confessed to me. Then he said, “You’re my priest and this is my confession.” At that I interrupted. “Whoa… wait a minute… not me man.” We both laughed at the jokes which, in retrospect, weren’t really jokes at all!

His comment to me had followed my confession to HIM earlier. I was on my way to a Christian Middle School program when, once again, SEVERAL people cut in front of me and hindered my progress. My fleshy attitude is to get angry when that happens (yes… I know I’m working on it). Jesus calls that MURDER (Mt 5:22)!

These days there’s a LOT to be angry about! The other day I counted 7 cars that ‘just happened’ to block my exiting out of my subdivision. All within 1/10th of a mile from my house! I DON’T believe that coincidence! Satan hates me! He has workers that have ways of getting me upset and angry. Is it up to ME to stop it?

It is absolutely true that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for ALL my sins over 2000 years ago. Even the ones I haven’t committed yet! I’m forgiven before I even sin! Which is why we could laugh at our pre-forgiven ‘road rage.’ But Today’s verse follows deeper instructions to engage the enemy. The key is CO-OPERATION!

I’m called by Jesus to DO what He SAYS. But DOING takes MUCH more than superhuman effort. It takes God’s directed love, Christ’s perseverance and MY co-operation to pull it all off. Graceful responses are not auto-magical. They take determination and willful obedience to engage evil. ESPECIALLY in today’s world.

As our world becomes increasingly more evil and complicated, it will require even MORE dependence upon the Holy Spirit of God. What took Paul WEEKS to deliver in a letter, today can be done in nanoseconds! And OFTEN with negative repercussions! Are YOU working on DOING the things God commands in love?

God is trying to get your attention for a special delivery of love and perseverance!!

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