
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15

“WHAAAAT???” I said in my frustration at the Presidential Debate. I could not believe what was being said, and NOT said, between both candidates. The louder and nastier they got with each other, the more discouraged I became. It didn’t take long for me to simply walk out of the room. I just couldn’t take it anymore.

As a Believer in Jesus Christ I KNOW the History of the U.S.A. I KNOW we’re a nation that was ‘founded upon the Bible.’ I recognize that evil has been secretly creeping into the fabric of America since its inception. But it no longer creeps… it BULLDOZES! Evil is being CHOSEN as truth! I left to pray for God’s intervention.

For almost 7 decades I have lived in the aftermath of choices made by my parents and grandparents after a World War. In my lifetime, I have watched the most hideous and disgusting sins and lifestyles, be accepted and SOLD as an alternative to what I KNOW to be Truth from God’s Word. Now, TRUTH is difficult to even hear!.

We are a world at war with God. It is just that simple. As I talk with friends and fellow Believers in Christ, it’s becoming more difficult to find people even OPEN to hearing The Gospel…because to get The Good news, one must first agree with the BAD news… we ALL DESERVE eternal punishment AND banishment from God!

In my prayer of desperation, I felt just a tinge of peace come from the Prince of Peace. His Truth and Justice absolutely DO exist. He reminded me that my ‘fretting’ and ‘deep concern’ over the future of America is truly a temporary issue. I HAVE the Eternal Truth, and His Peace IS MINE… ETERNALLY! Then He asked me to simply FOCUS ON HIM!

When one can’t see land, and the boat is furiously rocking, it is easy to get seasick. Jesus reminded me that peace and sanity are as close to me as the stroke of a pen on election day. I simply need to CHOOSE Him! So… as for me and MY house… WE WILL serve The Lord Jesus Christ. No matter WHAT! What about YOU and yours?

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