
He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15

“You Blew It,” was all he said. “Huh?” was my immediate thought. “How?” I asked… trying to be coy while trying to pull off a look of ignorance. Then huffing, I capitulated, lowered my head in shame, and admitted the truth. I mean what else can I do when the guy talking to me was the Lord of the Universe… who already KNOWS everything!

Having just cooked dinner, Katie and I sat down to eat when the doorbell rang. Katie asked, “Who could THAT be?” “Probably just a salesman,” was my reply. Answering the door while chewing, a scruffily dressed young lad said “Good evening sir!” I quickly interrupted him with, “Whataya sellin?’ His, “I’m not selling anything,” really upset me.

Having made a good living in sales most of my life, my report card was filling up fast with poor grades of comparison. He was a mess, he lied, then he tried to cover up the lie. When I called him on it, he insulted me by pointing and saying, “I noticed your door.” My thought was, “what’s wrong with my door?” So I told him, “I’ve got a guy!”

When I told Katie about the conversation she said, “you KNOW it’s bad out there when people start knocking on doors.” Then Jesus stepped in with His BIG RED ‘F’! I’d had EVERY legitimate excuse at my fingertips. It was late, it was dinnertime, I was eating. Besides, I didn’t ASK for door advice. I could feel Jesus’ disappointment. I’d blown it!

About 30 minutes later I thought, “you could drive around the neighborhood to try to find him and hand him a $20 bill! You know.. apologize and try to redeem yourself. I was being humanly stupid. The point was… someone came to MY door and ‘I’ hadn’t taken the time to do what my Savior had commanded me and share His Good News!

So why am I writing this? Well, I am a professional Good News sharer. It’s my duty to do it and to teach and encourage others to do the same thing. So I’m licking my wounds, reminding myself to be more alert, asking for another opportunity SOON, and reminding YOU to do the same. Because if Jesus is YOUR Savior, today’s verse is for you!

Are you ready and prepared? Cuz a ‘knock knock’ is coming.

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