
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Wanting to sleep, I couldn’t. It seemed a dozen thoughts rolled randomly through my brain, with no rhyme or reason for any of them. So I got up, deciding to read my Bible to calm myself down. A question came to mind and I googled a Bible commentary through my phone. Up came a distracting news article about the latest political poll!

It only took a suggestion, but soon I was led to an ad that promised better fishing results! Needless to say, it doesn’t take much for my mind to unfocus off… of what I want to focus on. I’ve found intentionally good thoughts can be easily swayed or diverted from the serious, to the ridiculous and wasteful or even perverse! AHHHHH!

I remember an ad campaign back in 1972 that stated “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Yet here I am doing just that! I’d been feeling bad about my wandering thought life and ran across a book that proved satan the former owner of my mind… since it was his before I willingly offered it to God. But that offer was not a one and done deal!

Today’s verse, along with many others, highlights the importance of determining, and keeping, our thoughts on Godly things. While I have been redeemed, my mind is proof that I am not out of the woods yet! God wants my thoughts as satan manipulates my thoughts, and often, I am not even thoughtful about the battle that NEVER EVER stops!

This verse is one of Katie’s favorites because it helps to push the mind in a forward, Godly way of thinking. When I find myself drawn away or enticed to think about things wasteful or evil, this verse gives me the needed focus to set my mind on ‘Jesus’ first! I realize it is up to ME to take my thoughts captive for Him (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).


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