
“As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.” 1 John 2:24

The instruction to “hold still” was given by a person holding a fly swatter. The goal was to swat and kill any black fly that was perched on the bare flesh of someone else… just prior to biting them! Sure! The strike from the fly swatter would sting… but NOT as bad as the bite from one of those nasty black flies. When I was the target, I held REAL still!

Some years, when we go to ‘the cabin,’ the flies are not there. Other times, they’re everywhere! Their bite not only hurts, it leaves a stinging mark that can itch for days! So naturally, a swat from a caring relative was welcome! But cooperation was also critical, Any movement prior to ‘the swat’ would warn the fly in time to ‘get away!’

Swatting flies is one way to prevent getting stung, but there are others. If flies are outside, I could choose to just stay inside! But then I’d miss the mountain experience! Insect repellents generally keep the flies from biting, as they don’t like biting stinky, repellent flesh. But they still land! I don’t like to wait to see if I missed a spot!

Today’s Bible verse is a very serious ‘Hold Still’ command by Jesus. Being born again, and therefore a child of God, is no guarantee that I will not be stung by the world, the flesh or the devil. If anything, being ‘His’ makes me an even tastier target by God’s enemies! As usual, God’s repellent is His Word. But ONLY if I APPLY and REMAIN in it!

Seeing a red, swollen, stinging bite on a family member, when we went to the creek, only proved that they’d been outside, did not use repellent, or did not have a fly swatter present. But sometimes, those nasty flies found a way to get INSIDE the cabin. UGH! It was a constant and never ending battle. Just like being a Believer in this world.

This life is a war. And until Jesus returns, it will not get better. My enemies never tire and they always outnumber me. The Word tells me that it is MY responsibility to read and apply His Word continually. AND to make sure that I avoid areas of temptation, thought and weakness, that could easily get me bit! Are YOU “remaining in Him?”

‘Hold Still’ is God’s WORD for today!   Read up!

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