
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus – Matthew 11:28-30

Getting back from vacation is kind of a rough thing. Especially when I’ve been to a different time zone! Now technically, Pennsylvania is in the exact same time zone as Florida. But what I did with the time I had was COMPLETELY different than what I am doing, now that I’m home. Going away to rest, I came home exhausted!

When I’m away on vacation I do different things that I do at home. In many ways, I physically worked harder on vacation! Being released from a burden of external responsibility, the only thing I needed to concern myself with was my very tiny world. Not having internet or cell service, I didn’t even learn things that had happened.

Back home, life just kind of hits back in it’s reality. ‘Normal’ brings with it a daily watch over things and people that need cared for.  Last night, we did something we haven’t done, even while on vacation. We slept for 12 hours! I guess we were tired and needed the rest! Jesus comes to me KNOWING I’m tired, and makes me an offer.

I have to face the facts. I need serviced. We ALL do. I don’t know a person that isn’t usually weary and burdened with cares of this life. And if I find I’m not, all I have to do is just give it a little time. Time has a way of burdening me with trials, tribulations and feelings that are so overwhelming, I just can’t seem to lift them. Jesus goes radical!

He didn’t say He would HELP me. That is NOT His offer. He said he would TAKE my burden and actually give me HIS EASIER one! But I have to be willing to swap and leave MINE in His hands. And then ACCEPT and LIVE in HIS Rest! That’s the deal. So today… Im burden swapping with Jesus! Are and will YOU?

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