
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.” Philippians 2:12-13

Yesterday, my bride and I took on a project that, initially started, seemed rather simple… shovel and wheelbarrow shell into a predefined area. having the tools, it was certainly doable and not that hard at all. A few hours later, fatigue set in and we remembered our age. Later, when soreness set in, we still felt good about accomplishing our goal.

Last night we had at Pizza Party at Bible Study at the church. After eating, we gathered together for ANOTHER kind of work… the Spiritual kind. As we read the Word in Ephesians and broke down each and every sentence, it became apparent, even to me, that we are FAR more blessed and special, because of Jesus, than we thought!

There is just something spectacular and amazing about reading the Word of God. Greater than magic, when I take the time to read, break down, question and meditate upon it, God comes and sits right with me and points out the valuable information that applies to my life and our relationship. It’s work, but the value is ALWAYS worth the cost.

God has done the work of my salvation for me. It cost HIM a LOT. When it was done, He sat down and poured out His Spirit and Mission onto mankind to keep it going. One day, He will call a halt to the process and take us home to be with Him. Till then, ‘working out my salvation’ means reading and putting into practice what He says.

Are YOU putting the work and effort into knowing God, wanting what He wants for YOUR life? The only way to do it is to open your Bible and get started! Go ahead! Even if it hurts, God PROMISES it will be a rewarding experience! After all… you have the tools. 

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