
Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” Matthew 6:26

It was Memorial Day and we were at the beach. Taking a mask and snorkel, I swam around the shade of the boat docks, avoiding the hot sun, while looking to find fish that I could try to catch later. What stood out were the literally MILLIONS of tiny minnows doing the very thing I was. Except these little guys, all grouped together, were swimming for their lives!

Katie and I had been sitting on the beach when, over by the dock dozens of different kinds of birds were diving for breakfast! Now, from under the water, I could tell that bigger fish were trying to gulp down minnows. Through my mask, I saw minnows swimming in unison in kind of an underwater ballet. I was mesmerized by their ability to swim together.

The reality of what I was seeing made me smile. God had actually made those fish to be breakfast, lunch and dinner for the birds and fish around them. When I later told Katie, she smiled and started to sing “The Circle of Life!” Cute! The many minnows swam and stuck together through it all. And all the while, they were being attacked from every side!

Believers in Jesus Christ often have to be reminded that to actually ENTER the club of being God’s kids, we had to pay a price. And that price is… death to ourselves. When realizing we are sinners and slaves to sin, people try a lot of different things to survive. But ultimately, death always wins. It’s after THAT, that being God’s kid makes all the difference!

The world, the flesh and the devil are the 3 deadly creatures working overtime to take me out. Being part of Christ’s church lumps me in a group that makes me a target. But it is only by ‘sticking together’ that I have any chance of making it alive to Glory. That is just how God created us to be. By believing, dying to our own selves and taking on His, we swim and live.

Are YOU a minnow in a big sea that only sees you as bait? Have you surrendered YOUR life to Jesus, the ONLY one who can save you? If so, then being part of His Church will feed and protect YOU, as we swim together… for LIFE! SO come on… Jump in!

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