
…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:4

I was sitting in the setting of the ‘car wash’ yesterday, when the rumble and noise surrounding the car let me know, “it’s started!” Now I can’t imagine anyone doing anything for those few moments, other than to watch the water spray, soap and scrubbers travel the length of the car to get rid of dirt and grime that has collected on the car. I sat like a big kid… mesmerized!

At one point, my brain actually got scrambled when, KNOWING that I was sitting still, it appeared, and even FELT, like ‘I’ was the one moving! In fact, I checked to be sure the transmission was in ‘Park’ and not in ‘Drive!’ The feeling was surreal. It really seemed that I was GOING somewhere. Instead… that somewhere was going OVER ME! It was weird man.

As I reflected on my life in light of reading today’s verse, I have to admit… I don’t really FEEL like I’m much of an overcomer. Lately, it seems I haven’t made much progress against the evil one, or even the ones bent on swimming in His evil. It is easy to feel like the kid standing on the corner, failing to sell newspapers, crying out… “DANGER DANGER… READ ALL ABOUT IT!”

The older I get, the harder it seems to find people who REALLY want to understand and see the big picture of our real position as sinners in a world dominated by the evil one. Sometimes it FEELS like I’m making progress, but then I realize I’ve been tricked into thinking that ‘I get it…’ when IT has gotten hold of ME! That is until I read today’s verse in CONTEXT!

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome, because everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.” Who then overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

In reading and meditating on this verse, I can see that I have been duped into believing that I am a winning warrior, just home from victorious battle at the front. The TRUTH is, I am at present, a wounded yearning soldier who tires from endless warfare. That is until Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, tapped me on my heart and bid me to ‘look forward’ while reading!

This Earth is WAR. We do NOT have His promise that we will SEE what WE consider victory, HERE! In fact, many a saint has died feeling like a loser. But look closely. The New Testament commands that we LOVE JESUS CHRIST! HOW HARD is THAT? The Word goes on to tell us that we WILL overcome the world when Jesus comes to this world… for us. Yearn On!  We’re still making progress and the cleaning cycle isn’t over yet!!

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