
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you.” Proverbs 23:7

I wanted to mess with my neighbors, so I called and teasingly accused them of murderer! “Did you cut that passion vine out of your back yard? Because if you did, you HAD to have killed some caterpillars, since they love that stuff!” I was fishing for a story on the idea of today’s Bible verse. In reality, my idea was a dud, because they hadn’t cut any vines.

I share a weird sense of humor with my neighbor. We tell goofy and ridiculous jokes and stories that some would shake their head at and even get offended. My goal was to talk about the Matthew 5 chapter where Jesus implied that if you think something in your heart.. you are just as much a guilty sinner as if you had actually done it. In God’s eyes that is.

Butterflies love passion fruit. But so does my neighbor. Unfortunately, caterpillars eat the vine before the vine can produce any fruit! Teasing him was just a way for me to give him a call to say hi! I know… weird huh? I have to agree. So I need to renew my mind to be a little more creative in speaking with my neighbor. I’m sure I’m not very clear here. But while I was thinking about this, Katie said, “Oh this is SOO good,” and forwarded it to me. I found it amazing because THIS is what I was actually trying to say!  So I’ll let Christine say it.

Transform Your Thinking

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2, NIV).

Renewing your mind is such a vital part of experiencing what God has for you.

  • Instead of yelling at your spouse when you’re frustrated, you will be empowered to arrest those thoughts and speak the truth in love.
  • Instead of falling into a pit of discouragement when you make a mistake or someone forgets to invite you to a party, you will find grace for yourself and others.
  • Instead of eating junk food when you feel lonely, you will experience the boldness to reach out to God or a friend for comfort.

As you transform your thinking and align your thoughts with God’s Word, you will be able to make the most of the good times and walk through the difficult valleys, keeping sight of God through it all.

How do you need to renew your mind and your thinking today? How can you encourage others?

What to be blessed today?  Lora suggested last night at FLAP last night to read Psalm 103 to hear God’s blessings toward us. I’m off for another root canal! How about you read Matthew 5 and Psalm 103?

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