
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 2:13-15

Known as the ‘Green and White Game’, the new Football players and Cheerleaders for next year, got together for an initial event, to look at what next school season might be. My Granddaughter Gema, a cheerleader again for next year, made OUR appearance a joyful expectation. As the football players played, the cheerleaders cheered. AND they did what they are called to do… Cheer and stunt!

I was there for Gema. But the game had its appeal as well. At one point, I heard my daughter holler out, “she did it!” But whatever she DID… I had missed. “What’d she do?” I asked. Cori replied, “she just did her back handspring! You didn’t see it?” I hadn’t! I was watching the football game and hadn’t even noticed the cheerleaders doing something different. I’d missed a reason I’d gone.

“Oh Yea! It was good too!” my daughter added for good measure. And the only thing I could do, was take her word for it and believe it! It’s the exact same situation with today’s Bible verses. They make up an important reason for WHY I am… where I am. AND what I’m supposed to BELIEVE about it. Go ahead. Read it again! Several times! Jesus died for my sin, then destroyed the Law as well!

It is important that I understand that the penalty for my sin was removed. But to make sure it could never show up again, God destroyed the very Law that defined what sin was! Then afterward, having done that… He goes on to describe ME as “alive in Christ!” I have discovered that, far too often, I miss that point. God is on the sidelines of my life, boldly cheering me on, while I often hang my head.

What I see ISN’T what’s going on. What I miss can easily be the absolutely most important play in the game of my life! When failure to perform to a perfect standard, it’s easy to feel defeated and blue. Today’s verse makes me realize that, in my Father’s eyes, I am ‘PERFECT!’ It is THAT perfection that, when focused upon, gives me REAL reason to “ACT like a Child of God!” Got that? Now don’t miss it!

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