
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

Sitting in the dentist chair awaiting a crown, I received a text from a distraught ‘Jesus friend’ who was having a very bad day. As a busy business owner, he had been called to jury duty and was doing his duty… at the expense of his business. He was flustered. When I told him where I was, he wrote that he’d rather be where I was… since I’d probably be done quicker. Time was not on our sides.

Having been called to jury duty before, I could relate. While I’ve never heard of anyone being arrested for skipping jury duty, I know the way the summons is written makes it sound too scary to even try! Skipping the dentist comes with its own consequences. But in either case, almost everyone would go to extremes to avoid either scenario. Life holds LOTS of time wasting events. What to do?

While sitting in the chair, I had the opportunity to minister to a lady going through a very difficult situation. It was apparent that Jesus was able to use my tooth decay as a way to reach out to someone else in THEIR need. Knowing my friend, I have no doubt that he had the same opportunity to ‘talk Jesus’ with someone in the room where HE was seemingly… ‘wasting time!’

Jesus is an equal opportunist! Yesterday, while reading the book, “Get Off Your Donkey,” I read that the Church’s job is to bless the world! Bringing God’s Kingdom to Earth is God’s primary objective. Not me OR the Church. The author, Reggie McNeal, wrote that ‘the Church doesn’t have a mission, the mission has a church!’ This morning I just ‘happened’ upon this verse of scripture for today!

EVERYTHING we DO, EVERYWHERE we GO… MATTERS! Since I belong to God, it appears that He expects me to pack lightly, and be prepared to go and do what HE has planned for me for that minute. And yes… it can easily change in the next! I see that God wants me ready and watching for the opportunities to serve Him anywhere… and at any time. Do you see that? Will you? Tick Tock!

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