
…having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised with Him through your faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Colossians 2:12

I’m witnessing a miracle going on right in front of me. Three Gulf Fritillary chrysalises are hanging out and going through a process I consider ‘insect recycling’! Just the other day, they were wormy caterpillars. Then, they spun a cocoon and quit moving all together. In fact, the facts are… they DIE by turning into a gooey juice! That fluid transfers the worm into a totally new creature! Just like me!

In the butterfly world, that transformation is known as holometabolism. In MY life, the process of change from sinner to saint is quicker, but slow. It is called salvation, and happened the very moment I recognized that 1. I am a sinner, and that 2. sinners go to the Lake of Fire. That is, unless something happens to change that outcome. By asking Jesus to live in me instead, I died in His Father’s eyes!

I’ve never understood people who claim no belief in God. I see God EVERYWHERE. His footprints are in every leaf, bug, sunrise and breath. All are so overly complex, that the idea of ‘chance’ bringing life to death is ridiculous. Knowing ABOUT what actually happens during the metamorphosis of a butterfly helps me to understand a little more about what is happening to me as I mature in Christ.

Ever since that caterpillar spun its cocoon, that chrysalis hasn’t done a thing… including MOVE! It’s just hanging there. What it will eventually become will not be known until the process is over and it emerges as a butterfly. Before, it crawled… SLOWLY! Soon, the new creature will fly fast, and in patterns a fighter pilot couldn’t copy! Which makes me try to imagine what I will become and do.

I have to admit to being as confused as anyone about what’s going on inside of me. One minute, I am as sweet and loving as a saint. But when cut off or slowed down in traffic, I can erupt like a demon. Thoughts that follow lead me to Jesus and my discussing ways to change future actions of this saint in a sinner’s body. But just the thought that my thoughts automatically turn to Him prove… I’m His!

In God’s eyes, the process of transformation has already happened. I’m already perfect to Him. But to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I am being transformed into a whole new creature that will become His most Beloved. How about YOU? Have YOU undergone ‘The Transformation?’ All it takes is asking Him to come in and change you.  

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