“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15
I met Marna at the Lumber store. I needed ½ a sheet of drywall, and she was standing right beside it. She looked like someone in charge so I asked her how I went about it. She radioed a guy! Funny! Telling him what I needed, I left for more stuff. On my return, a different guy was getting my drywall. “Why,” I asked. “Oh.. he left. He doesn’t like to cut drywall!”
I had gone to get some insulation and found that things are NOT what they used to be. I remember the pink rolls. It doesn’t come like that anymore! UGH! I made the statement to Marna, “things are just different now.” When I noticed and asked, “why do I have 2 halves? I only want ONE half!” She said… “no halves!” Drywall doesn’t come like that anymore either.
My T-shirt said it all. “Normal isn’t coming back, Jesus is!” It was the perfect lead in. “Well Marna… do YOU know Jesus?” “I’m not religious,” she replied. “That’s not what I asked you,” I said. She didn’t respond in the affirmative, so I gave her the quick rundown on “here’s what you KNOW! You’re a sinner, right?” “Yup!” “Then you’re toast and you KNOW IT!”
EVERYONE KNOWS they are sinners. And EVERYONE KNOWS, unless they are lying to themselves, that there is a God and He IS PERFECT! How can the 2 possibly get together? From there I simply told the Gospel. I had a card and handed it to her. She took it as I told her, “Read the book of John!” You’d have thought I had asked for her arm! “Yer TOAST! If ya don’t!”
Walking away I told her, “I’m praying for you!” But the decision was HERS! Intimate, private, personal, respected by me… and God. I did my job! Jesus said, “GO!” I went! That is all He asked of me. Who’s supposed to go? The Word is clear… “GO!” WHO? ME! YOU? YUP! ANY and EVERYBODY that has been touched by the Master AFTER they said yes! Is that YOU?