“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1
“What’s that?” I thought to myself. I was at an old house on a Key, separated from a beautiful beach by only about 25 yards of trees and brush. Earlier, I had eaten a banana and thrown the peel into the brush. Since there were no garbage cans, and knowing bananas are organic, I simply helped it return to its earthly nature. Later, drawn to movement, I discovered a gopher turtle eating the banana peel!
I’d seen the gopher turtle when I first arrived, saw the hole it’d dug under a walkway and later saw it poking out when I walked by. It seemed to know I was no threat. Maybe it knew there was a law that protects him, since ‘gopher turtles’ are on Florida’s threatened species list. But maybe, that pea-brained turtle knew more than I thought it knew. After all, it WAS eating my old banana peel!
Seeing what I saw made me want to learn more about gopher turtles. I found out they are foraging critters that usually wander around about a 160’ area looking for leaves, roots and possible fruit. They have a very good sense of smell, and given that the area for foraging only existed right in front of me, it must have put 2+2 together and headed my direction… in HOPE!
As I wrote this, I could sense God nudging me to put 2+2 together to sum up that I have enough information in my heart, mind and soul to go forage for some of His Truth to feed ALL of me! I know I was born an earthling bound to this planet. But like all humans, I have a tendency to look up, around and within… for SOMETHING. There is a sense that draws me UP, because UP is where the Master is.
I’ve walked as a son of God for a long time now. I have learned that everything worth knowing comes FROM Christ. Having been spiritually ‘raised to life’ WITH Him, I am always looking for Him, to come to me, from there. And like that turtle, I dig into God’s Word, then go out seeking and foraging for anything He throws in front of me. Are YOU TOO, a smart, satisfied, searching, servant of the Savior?