“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
In the subject line of the Web Browser I simply typed ‘Lenten Devotional.’ Hitting ‘Enter’ surprisingly, produced DOZENS of choices. I say ‘surprisingly’ because I STILL have a hard time comprehending how easy it is to get information, from a cell phone, over the internet. One listing had famous actors presenting a 40 day devotional for FREE! Entertainment with study must have compelled me to ‘go.’
There were lots of choices… ‘What was I looking to accomplish and what actors did I want?’ There were questions about my normal Bible routine, along with suggestions of subjects to add to enhance my Devotional walk. Getting to the end, I was slightly excited. Until it asked for my credit card!
The problem with ‘Free’ opportunities is that not everyone offering ‘FREE,’ really means it! Had they placed a fine print message on page one, telling me that I had to provide my credit card FIRST, I would not have spent the time wasting my time. While it offered me a free week, I had to provide a Credit Card BEFORE I even got started. Billing would automatically start on day 8. To me, that’s not “FREE.”
A lesson I remembered during this incident came to mind. It is often common for Christians to tell people that “salvation from sin and hell is a FREE GIFT in Jesus Christ.” When I received Jesus Christ as a young lad, it actually FELT FREE! Pointing out my sin and shame, with having NO way to rid myself of it, Christ offered me Eternal Life for FREE! All I had to do was “Give Him your heart,” the camp counselor said. And I did. And Jesus came! It wasn’t until later I realized, freedom isn’t free!
The price God paid to free me was HORRIFICALLY HIGH! His Love for me gave Him no choice but to pay it. Now that we have FREELY exchanged lives, He calls me to read and follow His Word… along with many other things along the way. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the devotional incident. My love for Christ makes me WANT to get closer to Him. Which takes effort! Are YOU paying the cost of Love for Christ?