“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
It was a JOY-FILLED church service. One that I had ever been to, or done before. But this one was special! Having looked over the kids in our church a week before, and having learned from a man who had spoken God’s Word over his children, I felt led to pray for and speak over OUR Church’s special group of kids that attend every week. And OH how special they are!
Having asked the parents for a word or 2 describing each of their individual children, an amazing truth popped out that should have come naturally. Parents had 2, 3 and even 4 children between them. But of all the children standing on that altar area… ALL of them were DIFFERENT! Even if they had the same parents and were the same gender and God!
The thought hit me, remembering my own children as they grew. We found that what worked for our oldest, didn’t necessarily work for the other 3! Each reacted and responded to learning and growing differently! That thought alone, in my own mind, proved that God exists and that HE is the one who creates personality. It is HE who gifts each of us with ability.
Looking at the picture today, I noted that almost every grape looks the same as the other. They all come from the same vine, and probably taste exactly the same. But when it comes to people, that vine formula doesn’t work! I have the opportunity to stay connected to the vine, which is Christ, or go it alone. But what Jesus grows within me is HIS choice. All are special!
The talent, fruit and flavor of each of us is different. Even among those within the same family. Some are extroverts while others introverts. Some go on to be teachers, while others become givers and helpers. But ALL of us can be connected to the same vine and used by the same Savior. The key to Fruiting is REMAINING in Him. NOTHING fruits otherwise!
Today I am going to rest in my Savior and ask Him to show me how I can be the sweetest and loveliest fruit ‘He’ wants me to be. I don’t need to look around and compare myself with, or judge other fruits. That is the Master’s job. I just want to remain connected to The Vine to fruit with Him. How about YOU? Are YOU discovering and bearing the kind of fruit He wants?