“When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, ‘Do you want to get well?’” John 5:6
“What-cha gonna do? HEY!” I heard the song on the radio yesterday, turned it up, then sang along. It was an oldie but goody. Sung by Blood, Sweat and Tears when I was only a sophomore in High School. It was the question asked of Lucretia Mac Evil. Looking back on where I came from, and where I am today, I can honestly say… I did a WHOLE heck of a lot!
Even today I can hear the beat, and the overbearing question, as time ticks by. Those ticks remind me continually of each item on a list that only seems to grow. NOTHING get erased off that list, unless I DO something! At my age I have learned that the only time I’ll ever be able to get rest from the labor that comes from DOING… will be when I die! Tick Toc!
Chores, responsibilities, bills, debts, maintenance and improvements ALWAYS come before wants and desires. It’s just the way it is. Life is like a paycheck at the END of a long 2 weeks of working at the factory… 7 days a week… including overtime! Even LOOKING at the check was depressing… after seeing all the taxes, dues and insurances deducted. THAT’S ALL??
I take serious note of Jesus’ sentence… cutting it apart, moving parts around and looking at what’s going on from every angle. Jesus had something to say! But He doesn’t say ‘it’ until AFTER he does His own investigation. His words were simply a logical conclusion after seeing a set of factual data. You and I could have anticipated and asked the same thing!
It could have sounded like this… “Dude… you’ve been lying there for 38 years? What have YOU done to even TRY to get better. Serio’GET A JOB!’ So Jesus’ question isn’t welfare… it’s WORKfare. And He’s calling for me to join HIS team!
HOW are you Doing? WHAT are you Doing? Are you getting after it? Or are you daily throwing in the towel and accepting hell’s final diagnosis and verdict… “Oh Lucy… you just so damn bad!” Heaven and abundant life require effort and cooperation. “I’m runnin’ Lawd!” Are you?