
“I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” Romans 11:25

“We made him!” It was the final response in my conversation with a man at a self-checkout lane in a local store. I only had 5 items, and all of them had barcodes. So why not! Standing at the end of the lane, watching… overseeing… was a man with a bunch of badges on his store uniform. He looked official, and was there to help customers with any problem. AND, as I figured, watch for any theft.

I was buying Christmas lights, which, with my continued conversations with God, had put me in a wonderful mood. When the register beeped, the guy came over to help. I boldly exclaimed ‘Merry Christmas!’ When the transaction was over, I pressed a little and asked, “are YOU a ‘Jesus Guy?’” He said, “I’m Jewish!” I said, “I’m sorry!” When I tried explaining Jesus, he said, “Hey… we MADE Him!”

His statement was interesting, acknowledging A religion. But his attitude seemed to hint that MY faith was secondary, and less superior to HIS. Which has some truth to it! I ended the conversation with, “Yep! If it wasn’t for the Jews, we wouldn’t have any faith at all!” His face contorted. I sensed his brain going, but nothing came out! Exiting, I said, “Thank you for Jesus! MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

Israel has been in the news since its inception in 1948. More so lately! In trying to wrap my head around the world vs Israel thing, I can’t help but be guided back to today’s verse. They have the START of the truest faith on earth, but have stopped just short of actually receiving its greatest treasure… The Messiah! “I” have HIM! Along with His blessing AND calling… to help them see!

Jesus has come into the World to set us free from the wages of sin and death. Upon receiving Jesus as my Lord, I received His treasures as well. But with the riches of His grace comes the responsibility to assist Christ with His Father’s WORK! I am called to proclaim the message of Christ’s Good News to the whole Gentile world. Doing so draws Israel closer to their own divine appointment with God.

I personally deem the Jews HIGHER than Christians, in the order of God. Because he did have a point! Jesus was ‘Made in Israel!’ But The Christ… The Messiah, has been offered to the entire WORLD of those ‘without God,’ which is what ‘Gentile’ means. Knowing Jesus PERSONALLY, it is my honor to share Him, so eventually, both Jews and Christians can go Home to be together with Him.

Are YOU sharing God’s plan for unwrapping the hard hearts of both the Jews, and the Gentiles by sharing The Gospel with whoever comes into your world? The Story of Christmas is worth telling!

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