“Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14
“Happy Valentine’s Day tuba you!” That’s what the hand written card-like paper said on the outside. It was lying beside the coffee pot where she knew I’d go to get her coffee. I LOVED it! I didn’t get her anything except the coffee this morning. In truth, and as she wrote in the card, she knows ‘I hate Valentine’s Day.’ As so should everyone! I mean, why should Love only get 1 day a year!?
I don’t know about YOU but ‘I’ LOVE love! In fact I have invested my whole life mainly into 2 people BECAUSE of my love of Love. I’m not ashamed… Jesus and Katie are the loves of my life! And in that order! Jesus actually rates our relationship together based upon how well I love my Katie! His is NOT a ‘give a card’ kind of love. He’s more of a ‘Show and Tell’ kind of God. And frequency matters.
Because of my rebellion over Valentine’s Day, Katie gets stuff… just not usually on THE DAY! I bought her a car weeks before her birthday. Her Valentine’s day gift was a concert we already went to, since I like to be AHEAD of the love game. SO does she. Yesterday she bought me a new truck! But getting the truck proved to be more of a downer, actually proving my point about love and care!
When spending a ton of money for a new vehicle, one should feel special. We didn’t. But I’m not using this to complain. Sales is a business, one I made my living at for decades. But I learned long ago that for people to FEEL special, they have to be TREATED special. My boss has that concept down in His list of rules for both marriage AND life relationships. It’s NOT an option and I’m still learning!
When it comes to Love, my Boss has a ‘definition condition,’ because love is an ACTION… NOT a feeling! That means if I say I love my wife, I’d better be SHOWING her that I do. Though sometimes she doesn’t appreciate that. I’ve been known to lose my temper when she does, for herself, what I am committed to do. Like opening doors, taking out trash or moving heavy stuff. OK, I’m nuts!
But I’m HER nut! If you are like me, you are fortunate to both BE a nut and to HAVE a nut! ANYBODY can crack a nut! It takes special action, effort, determination and heart to LOVE a nut! I am blessed beyond all blessing to have, not 1… but 2 ‘nut lover’s’ in my life.
Are YOU good at showing and telling your special people just how special they are… EVERY day? Today is a good time to show it… but tomorrow and onward proves you mean it! Happy Valentine’s Day. Even though it’s supposed to be YOUR Day to show that special someone.