“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.” Colossians 4:2-3
Going to get the mail I got a little surprise. There, stuffed in the mailbox to overflowing, was a package! A feeling came over me, kind of like the one that often came at Christmas. Though I had not been anticipating anything. With a little step in my walk, I hurried into the house and opened it. Having forgotten about the 4-6 week delivery clause, I had received the package I was promised.
A while back my interest had been piqued to join a cause I held as important. There was a promise that if I joined their cause I would be rewarded with a tangible object I might find beneficial. While the object was ok, it was the cause which led me to send in my membership. Now, standing with the object in hand, I remembered my commitment to the cause and was glad that I had joined.
I have a friend who received an offer a while back. An offer to get involved in a cause that would be beneficial to others, but which also might provide him with a tangible object to help out in another GREATER area of interest. Kind of like a ‘2 birds with 1 stone’ thing. Taking the offer, he set about learning what would be needed. It didn’t take long to see an opportunity for his greater interest!
The other day I went to the gym, a place I go because I need to, NOT because I want to. While I was there, something on someone’s T-shirt caught my interest. Walking up to the individual wearing the shirt I asked about our mutual interest. Soon we were chatting and comparing notes… 1 which led me to believe that the person needed Jesus! Smiling, I thanked God for the Gift of witnessing for Him.
Are YOU looking for opportunities to share and witness the greatest object of your life… your Faith in Jesus Christ? If so, you too can pray and ask God to send you a tangible object to do just that. Are looking out, and prepared to receive it?