
As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us—eternal life.” 1 John 2:24-25

DING, DING, DING! As many times as I have heard it, you’d think I’d not be surprised! But I was. Having started the car, backed out of the driveway and moving down the road, the seat-belt alarm went off at the same point it always does… because it’s supposed to! Someone, somewhere, wrote a program for our car computer to do just what it was doing…  WARN me! I buckled my seat belt.

Being a male human comes with some predictable consistency. Men typically focus on 1 thing at a time and have a knack for disliking rules. Driving 25 mph in my subdivision posed no threat to me. When I get in the car I just want to GO! Someone, somewhere decided that my penchant for focus and disobedience needed a reminder before the OTHER man thing kicked in… stupid forgetfulness!

Henry Ford didn’t invent the seat belt. His goal was to make money. Somewhere down the line in some room somewhere, an accountant started crunching numbers concerning the cost of car wrecks on society. He came up with an idea to SAVE money and lives if he could ‘pass a law!’ The DING in my car, looking out more for an insurance company’s wallet, reminded me too, life is important!

In looking for a picture for this thought I discovered this handy little device that costs only $3! It is a seat-belt alarm silencer. That it is shaped like a skull is actually ironic. Anyone who spends $3 to silence an alarm meant to save their lives in a potentially fatal car crash SHOULD have 1 more final reminder. The skull is appropriate! 1 John is loaded OFTEN with a similar warning… the word ‘IF!’

God commands that I study His Word. His reasons have NOTHING to do with Him and EVERYTHING to do for MY benefit. Being a male Christian can bring a lack of focus and dislike for rules into my walk with Christ. Often, when searching the Scriptures, I look for loopholes. The statement, “once saved always saved,” is merely an attempt to eternally secure someone who isn’t ‘buckled in!’

Today I am going to buckle up BEFORE I get started because I have had some close calls in my travels. I know God enough to know that His rules are for MY benefit, not for my harm. So when I read in His Word, things like “go, show, do, remain, love, and don’t,” it REALLY IS in MY best interest to not be a bonehead and ignore His dinging! Walking WITH Him is the fun part!

Are you?

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