“On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.” Zechariah 13:1
There is a fountain on the side of my house! It is there because Katie likes the sounds it makes as she sits there in the morning for her quiet time. Well… it’s SUPPOSED to make sound! But when the water disappeared, it grew silent. Not SEEING the water flowing and not HEARING the “tinkle tinkle,” meant it was time for me to get to work and FIX the fountain. It’s a regular project!
There are a few things that need to be done in maintaining the fountain. When the pump at the bottom gets clogged with falling leaves and debris, it requires pulling it out and removing anything blocking the water flow. Next, though the fountain runs on water, I have to keep it lubed! The spouts, over which the water flows, get messed up and the water stops flowing, going all over the place. Some Vaseline on the spouts keeps water flowing freely. Weird, I know! But necessary.
The whole project doesn’t take more than 10 minutes to get the fountain flowing again. But those 10 minutes are critical to keep the sound and water continuing for another month or so. I’ll also occasionally throw in some chlorine to prevent mold from building up, which is not a big deal. Both of us prefer the fountain not be covered in black ugly mold! Working, I recalled a hymn!
“There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins! And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains!” This song was written by William Cowper in the 1700’s after a bout with depression! After completing studies and being invited to clerkship at the House of Lords, he suffered a panic attack at his interview and was not admitted. The song flowed from experience.
I can’t help but feel his pain, as everything he had apparently wanted, hoped and worked for just came to a halt. His water stopped flowing and he got clogged! Looking backwards, I can see, and even feel, that the song he wrote was God’s way of reminding William that the work of Christ ‘was,’ ‘is’ and ‘will be’… enough! All he, and I, need to do is rest in the completed work of The Master.
This Christmas reminds me of the coming Day when ALL will be completed and no more maintenance will be required. Until then, I find that the best time of my days are when I spend them looking toward my Savior as He works on and uses the drips, clogs and black spots of my life.
Do YOU know about the fountain and have you seen it in YOUR life?