“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6
I was in my watercraft when I saw the sign! NOT a warning, question or suggestion… but a COMMAND! NO WAKE! The marker buoy was official, and there were more than 1! But I didn’t even think about obeying because I was in a kayak! I’ve never rowed fast enough to create a wake anyway! At first, the conditions of the signs left me confused. Then I was troubled!
Labor Day weekend found my bride and I rowing our kayaks up the backwaters of our beautiful state. We hadn’t kayaked in this place before. As the banks narrowed, the trees from each side providing only narrow passageways in places, I could see the rooftops of very fancy houses. Basically, rowing in their backyards, then seeing the buoys, became confusing.
‘No Wake’ buoys are located where there are docks and boats. The sign to ‘slow down’ keeps those boats and docks from becoming damaged by boat wakes caused by speed. But there were NO docks.. OR boats where we rowed! In fact, there weren’t even any pathways to get to the water from the backyards of those fancy houses. Which created a mystery to me.
Someone had taken the time and spent resources to place official signs in a place that did not even need them! In other words, someone had played God! One of the signs added a juicy tidbit to make a boater WANT to slow down by adding, ‘Hidden Rocks!’ I thought about that… if I can’t SEE the rocks, how would ‘slowing down’ keep me from hitting them?
Maybe I over-thunk, since it was Labor Day and I had some time on my hands. But I began thinking about the times we live in and the race to make up a bunch of rules to benefit some, at the expense of others. Jesus certified in this Bible Verse that there IS, in fact, a WAY to get to God, a TRUTH to follow and LIFE to be had! And His IS THE ONLY WAY! Oh BUOY!
There are people who live on water but don’t access it! Then make up rules and dangers out of things that do not exist, in an attempt to hinder and control those who do! Why? The only thing I can think of is that, in acknowledgment and affirmation, there is power! If a non-believer can get me to slow down and think about their way as being THE way… they can win! Even if only for a moment! I rowed faster!
Are YOU buying the lies being told today, or are you rowing and resting in the One and ONLY Savior, Jesus Christ?